  • 學位論文


A Study on Business Model of Internet-Based Artist Virtual Stock Market

指導教授 : 李吉仁


1988年,愛荷華電子市場(Iowa Electronic Market;IEM)運用網路虛擬股市預測美國總統大選,結果出乎意料的準確,從此開啟了學術界對網路虛擬股市之研究。由於網路虛擬股市可以有效地將結果透過價格表現出來,讓玩家一目瞭然得知該結果可能發生之機率,因此也開展了其他的應用,包括將標的物改成球員、明星,甚至為新產品開發等等。儘管如此,過去二十年來的學術探討中,卻鮮少有討論網路虛擬股市之營運模式的研究。 另一方面,由於受到音樂數位化技術的影響,台灣唱片市場快速萎縮,歌星必須轉型為全方位藝人,方能體現其市場價值,然而,國內迄今尚未出現能夠客觀衡量藝人價值之機構與體制。結合上述兩項動機,本研究將針對藝人網路虛擬股市交易經營模式進行規劃,同時,以一家正在發展中的藝人網站Starsdaq,進行個案式的研究,期能分析現有之網路虛擬股市,找出其成功要素後,再延伸至Starsdaq的營運模式設計,特別著重在Starsdaq與現行網站不同的收費策略,進行探討與建議。 本研究發現,現有網路虛擬股市具有以下五個成功之重要特性:為該領域之先行者、網站流量大且穩定、主要獲利來源為廣告及其他服務、遊戲本身吸引人及結合社群功能。玩家在此扮演著供應者之角色,提供該網站預測資料及交易資料。另外,本研究認為Starsdaq之收費營運模式雖有可能因向玩家收費而導致玩家離開,但只要配合相關配套措施以維持網站之流量,此收費模式仍然可行,因此給予其配套措施之相關建議,包括:利用提高玩家參與動機、建立形象及策略聯盟來擴大玩家人數,提高遊戲品質、增加Starsdaq之獨特性與增加誘因來提高玩家所投入之金額。


The Iowa Electronic Market (IEM)successfully predicted the outcome of the U.S. presidential election in 1988, which result attracted a great attention from the public and subsequent academic research on the merit and structure of developing virtual stock markets (VSMs). In addition to event, the underlying assets of such a VSM can be athletes, artists or any new products. Despite of a high research interest, little attention has been paid on the feasibility of business models of VSM, which motivate this thesis research. In addition, due to the increasing popularity of digital music, the music industry faced a sever sales decline in the past ten years and talent singers have to create their own market value through becoming performing artists. Therefore, a market in which an individual artist can be objectively evaluated would be critical to a positive development of the ecosystem of the music industry. Bulding upon these two drivers, the present research is to undertake a case-based research on a newly created, internet-based artist VSM, Startsdaq, by comparing other VSMs and defining its business model. The artists can be ranked based on the frequency and impact of downloaded songs in the internet, karaokis, CD, concert and movie ticket sales, the frequencey of media exposure, the size of fan club membership, and te number of google search returns and television appearances. Based on Henry Chesbrough’s suggestion of business model and Brandenburger and Nalebuff’s insight on value net, we identify five key factors as essential to a successful VSM. These five key factors include the first mover advantage, heavy and steady traffic volume, relying upon advertisement and other added services as profit source, game design attractiveness, and website online community. Finally, we conclude that charging participants is a feasible way to run VSMs. But the fee structure should be linked to other strategies, such as enhancing participants’ motivation, website reputation, and strategy alliances, among others.


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