  • 學位論文


The Representation of The Aboriginal Maternal Cultures:The Study of Aborigines' Images in Wang Jia Siang's Fictions

指導教授 : 柯慶明


王家祥於書寫中展現的「番」母系認同,與臺灣平埔族的「發現」息息相關,由於重新對歷史的認識與爬梳,臺灣社會從血緣上,發現臺灣人身上的原住民血統,衝擊了以往臺灣社會的「原住民」與「漢人」概念,劇烈影響當代臺灣族群想像與認同。王家祥以「原住民文化」召喚讀者想像,其實是在建構王家祥「荒野」的烏托邦,他從歷史中救亡文化,以教育讀者,臺灣人的祖先如何與土地或自然共處,冀望臺灣人能延續老祖宗的智慧,發展出荒野中的文明。為了與實現「荒野」價值的理想接軌,王家祥在小說中以「番母系」書寫呈現臺灣主體。首先,以平埔書寫,從混雜的血緣,溯及臺灣人與原住民之關係;其次,以「原住民」去再現「原住民文化」,以此作為原住民的主體存在;再者,奠基於上述兩點,臺灣人通過血緣以及文化想像,「番母系」遂成為臺灣主體。 「原住民文化」被怎樣的「原住民」形象所再現,王家祥小說中的「原住民文化」載體,可分為以下幾類:(一)人類學家(二)部落英雄(三)原住民女性(四)後現代的原住民身體。本研究即根據以上四種人物形象進行分析,並歸結岀王家祥小說具有以下幾點特色: 一、具有實驗民族誌的敘事風格。 二、以涵化概念詮釋平埔與漢族間的接觸與融合。 三、以原住民女性形象作為臺灣母親的象徵。 四、反思後人類的身體觀。


Wang Jia Siang’s writings present the aboriginal maternal cultures that are related to the rediscovery of Taiwan Pingpu People. Cause the intermarriage between Taiwan Pingpu and the Han people is universal in the history of Taiwan, Taiwanese rediscover their aboriginal relation by blood in contemporary Taiwan. This rediscovery challenges the binary opposition’s concept of “Aborigines” and “Han people” in Taiwan community. Wang Jia Siang evokes historic memories and ethnicism by writing aboriginal cultures. In fact, he represents aboriginal cultures in fictions in order to build utopia in his wilderness writings. How to represent “aboriginal cultures” through the forms of aborigines’ images?Aborigines’ images in Wang Jia Siang’s fictions are assorted in four types:(1) The anthropologist (2) The tribal hero (3)The aboriginal female (4) The postmodern body of aborigine. According to the analysis of aborigines’ images, this research has four conclusions about the features of Wang Jia Siang’s fictions: 1.The narrative of experimental ethnography. 2.In terms of “assimilation” to interpret the interaction between Taiwan Pingpu and the Han people. 3.In terms of “The aboriginal female” to symbolize Taiwan’s Mother. 4.Reflecting the body concept of posthuman.


陳品姮 《再現的政治:玻利維亞高地原住民女性意象之建構》,臺北:國立臺灣大學人類學硏究所碩士論文,2007。
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