  • 學位論文


Ripple Based Hysteresis Buck Converter

指導教授 : 陳中平


在消費性電子產品中,尤以手持式產品的應用上,需求越來越廣泛。擁有高效能與小型化的電源轉換器日趨重要。為了有效使用有限的電池能量,電源管理系統為晶片系統中非常重要的一環。切換式電源轉換器因其高效率而被廣泛地運用於電源管理模組中。然而,切換式電源轉換器通常需要外部電感以及電容。更甚者,由於系統穩定性的因素,還需要外部補償電容以及電阻作為系統補償之用。因此,如何縮小電源模組的面積,同時又能兼顧高效能的電源轉換器,將是一個重要的課題。 本論文所提出的內容,是利用輸出波型為主,磁滯直流轉直流降壓轉換器,主要訴求在改善一般磁滯的輸出波型大小,接此達到穩壓的效果.除此之外,擁有好的抽載變化之效果.甚至,在補償方面也捨棄傳統的PI補償方式,捨棄外部的補償原件,改用一個P 補償的方式來移除外部補償電容的使用。然而,因為採用不同的補償方式,在負載調節(Load Regulation)的表現勢必要有所補償。因此,電桿電流動態調整機制在此論文提出,用來改善負載調節表現,來實現一個不需任何補償元件,負載調節表現良好的電源管理晶片。整個實驗結果會在第五章呈現。


In recent years, portable devices involve several integrated chips with different functionality into the same printed-circuit-board (PCB) for achieving various functions. It needs a highly integrated power management module to reduce the volume and weight in order to keep up with the trend of compact size. Unfortunately, the off-chip inductor and capacitors for the high-efficiency switch-mode DC-DC converters occupy the large PCB area. That results in the extra manufacture cost and the problem for system-on-a-chip (SoC) integration. In other words, a highly integrated power management module is necessary for achieving high performance and small footprint area in today’s power management design. This paper proposes a ripple based technique hysteresis buck converter, this circuit have better regulation and fast transient response than before. Furthermore, this circuit uses the P compensator to remove the use of the compensation capacitor instead of the conventional PI compensator . However, owing to the change of the compensation method, the load regulation performance should be compensated. Thus, the dynamic dc current scaling is proposed in this paper to enhancement the load regulation performance. In the ch5, the whole measurement results are presented.


DC-DC Buck Hysteresis Fast transient


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