  • 學位論文


Certification and Testing Technology for Small Vertical Axis Wind Turbine between Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 林輝政
共同指導教授 : 黃心豪(Hsin-Haou Haung)


本文研究主題主要為風力發電機的標準驗證過程的相關研究。考量國內目前尚無風力發電機測試認證的相關經驗,且相關的測試規範皆未實際運行,國內製造商皆須透過國外之標準測試場取得風力發電機認證證書,在經濟與方便性的考量上,對於外銷風力機將會是一大阻力。因此為增進國內風力機製造商在國際上之競爭力,推行國內之國際認可風力機標準測試場是目前推動小風機產業的當務之急。   本次測試場地選定位於國立澎湖科技大學東側約200米處的澎湖國際標準測試場,主要依照國內相關標準CNS-15176,並參考國際間之標準IEC-61400、VDI3834,完成功率性能、耐久性、噪音以及強度與安全及系統評估共四項測試。在本次測試過程中,透過多次和各家單位討論測試數據及過程之合理性,驗證數據之合理性以及過程之正確性。最後依照CNS-15176規範,完成四項測試報告。   透過本次測試,增進了國內對於小型風力機測試認證的知識,對於標準規範內較不清楚的地方,本文也將仔細的探討,以利國內小型風力發電機之發展。


The main theme in this thesis is about the certification of wind turbine. Consider we have no relevant experience about wind turbine testing and certification, and the specifications of wind turbine also do have actual operating experience, Domestic manufacturers are required by the foreign wind turbine standard test site to obtain certificate of wind turbine, consider the economy and convenience, it will be a big resistance for manufactures to export their products. Therefore, in order to promote the domestic wind turbine to international, we should establish an international test site in Taiwan. The test site we chose is located at 200 meters east of the National Penghu University of Science and Technology. Mainly refer the standard CNS 15176 series, and appropriate reference to IEC 61400 series and VDI 3834. Completed power performance, duration, acoustic noise, safety function and strength of four tests. In this study, through many discussion with various units about test raw data, to verify the reasonableness of test process. Finally according to CNS 15176-2 appendix G, completed four test reports. Through this study, enhance the knowledge of wind turbine certification application, and also will expound carefully the ambiguity in the standard.


3. British Wind Energy Association Small Wind Turbine Performance and Safety Standard. BWEA Standard 2008.
4. Summerville, B., Certifying Small Wind Turbines. Small Wind Certification Council, 2008. pp.1-14.
6. Wind Turbines - Part 2: Design requirements for small wind turbines CNS 15176-2 Standard, 2011.
8. Yutaka Hara, K.H., and Tsutomu Hayashi, Moment of Inertia Dependence of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines in Pulsating Winds. International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2012. 2012.
1. International Standard IEC 61400 series. 2010.


