  • 學位論文


Wear-Corrosion Behavior of High Strength Low Alloy Steel

指導教授 : 李岳聯


高強度低合金鋼(High Strength Low Alloy Steels)由於具有優良的降伏強度、低溫韌性及可焊接性,因此被廣泛使用在海洋工程領域及國防工業中。然而,對於應用在海洋工程中的高強度低合金鋼,除了機械性質之外,必須更重視材料的抗蝕能力,因為海洋環境中有高含量氯離子,以及其他如溶氧量、溫度和pH 值等環境因素以及海洋中微生物都會造成嚴重的材料腐蝕問題,且在真正的工業運用上,腐蝕的發生往往並不是那麼的單純,當材料元件在腐蝕環境中,產生滑動摩擦時,由於機械和電化學過程交互作用導致材料的損失或是表面損傷,我們即稱為磨耗腐蝕。 由於磨耗與腐蝕同時存在,使我們原本預估的材料壽命大幅下降,因為磨耗的發生會使得腐蝕加速,腐蝕的發生也會促使磨耗加劇,因此在兩者的交互作用之下,對材料造成的損失會比單純的磨耗或是單純的腐蝕加總還要來的大。本實驗分成兩部分,第一部份比較淬火後的S690Q與NiCu高強度低合金鋼之磨耗腐蝕性能,發現NiCu合金鋼具有比S690Q合金鋼更好的腐蝕磨耗性能。 第二部分則研究不同回火溫度對NiCu合金鋼的磨耗腐蝕性能,結果發現回火溫度為660℃時提高了NiCu鋼的耐腐蝕性,但降低了耐磨性,而回火溫度為780℃則降低了NiCu的耐腐蝕性,但提高了耐磨性。 綜合結果顯示NiCu_660具有比NiCu_780更好的腐蝕磨耗性能。


Due to its superior yield strength, toughness and weldability. high strength low alloy steels have been widely used in the marine engineering and defense industry. However, for the high strength low alloy steels used in marine engineering, we should consider not only their mechanical properties, but also the corrosion resistance of materials. Because of the high content of chloride ions in the marine environment, oxygen concentration, temperature, pH and marine micro- organisms cause serious corrosion problems and decrease the strength of material. And in the real industrial application, the occurrence of corrosion is usually not so simple. When a material is in a corrosive environment and sliding, due to mechanical and electrochemical interactions that result in material loss or surface damage, we are referred to as tribocorrosion. In this experiment found that the new designed NiCu alloy steel exhibit a better corrosive wear performance than S690Q alloy steel. In second part, the tempering temperature of 660°C increases the corrosion resistance of NiCu steel, but reduces its wear resistance, while the tempering temperature of 780°C decreases the corrosion resistance of NiCu but increases its wear resistance. In the different tempering temperature after heat treatment, found that NiCu_660 has better corrosive wear performance than NiCu_780.


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