  • 學位論文

珍.瑞絲 <<夢迴藻海>>中的女人與自然

Woman and Nature in Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea

指導教授 : 蔡振興


珍.瑞絲的《夢迴藻海》刻畫了生態女性主義的精髓。由於特殊的成長背景,她成為生態女性主義的代言人。本論文分為四部份:在前言中,作者簡述生態女性主義的精神與沿革。第一章檢視「女性被殖民」與「大自然被剝削」之間的關連;第二章探討女性與自然的關係:安托阿內與她居住的小島都被隔離孤立。書中女性角色與自然存在著某種對應關係:克瑞絲多芬扮演如大地之母的角色;安托阿內被囚禁等同於大自然被壓榨與剝削;安托阿內的心神喪失就如同大自然的忿怒與反撲。 珍.瑞絲的《夢迴藻海》鼓勵讀者自省,重新檢討傳統的價值觀,讓讀者再思「何謂瘋狂?」——是這個社會?還是被這個社會當作瘋子的人?更重要的是,珍.瑞絲連結了女性與自然,並且為這弱勢的生命共同體發聲。


生態女性主義 女人 自然 剝削 隔離 壓迫 珍.瑞絲 夢迴藻海


Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea captures the essence of ecofeminism. It lays bare the twin domination of women and nature and shows that women’s madness and nature’s wrath are the products of man’s naming system and opportunistic attitude. Chapter One will examine the colonization of women and the exploitation of nature. It suggests how the colonization of women and the exploitation of nature are interconnected. Chapter Two explores the following analogy between nature and the women of Wide Sargasso Sea: Antoinette’s isolation is analogous to the concept of an island; the relationships of women in the novel correspond with the relationship between Mother Nature and her people: Christophine with the Great Mother Earth; Antoinette’s imprisonment in the attic with the exploitation of nature; and her madness with environmental disasters. Overall, Rhys’s ideals in her novel are very valuable in part because she encourages the readers to compare their thinking with that of society’s and in part because she makes the readers engage in self-evaluation.


ecofeminism women nature exploitation isolation oppression Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea


Works Cited
Adams, Carol, ed. Ecofeminism and the Sacred. New York: Continuum, 1993.
_____. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory. New York: Continuum, 1990.
_____. Rethinking Ecofeminist Politics. Boston: South End Books, 1991.
Carlassare, Elizabeth. “Commentaries: Socialist and Cultural Ecofeminism Allies in Resistance.” Ethics and the Environment 5 (2000): 89-106.
