  • 學位論文


A study of career transition among the middle-aged professionals

指導教授 : 李麗君


本研究採取現象學與個案研究的方法,以三位35歲以上經歷過工作產業、工作專長與原先職務有顯著差異,且近期內不會想要主動轉換工作者為研究對象;透過半結構的深度訪談方式,探討中年專業工作者之生涯轉換經驗。藉由受訪者生涯故事的開展,了解個體如何建構與追求自己的生涯目標。研究發現:一、建構夢想必須務實,現今的樣貌是過往持續的累積。二、後退有時亦是前進,了解自己能保持彈性因應環境。三、跳脫舊有慣性行為,改變的意義將決定生涯的方向。並藉由研究問題與發現得出的結論如下: 一、「希望感」搭起轉職歷程統整與分化階段的橋樑。 二、生涯發展脈絡中的事件建構出「專業我」的基模。 三、轉換歷程與因素幫助個體更了解自己的價值需求。 四、從外在價值的追尋鬆綁,方能找到未來生涯信念。 五、「意義」與「興趣」是中年生涯轉換的隱性動機。 六、保持彈性的信念與行為有助整合自身周邊的資源。 七、不斷地學習方能站穩腳步是生涯轉換應有的認知。 八、中年生涯轉換非負面事件多元解讀迎向寬廣未來。 本研究最後針對研究結果提出建議,供未來研究與有轉職想法的中年工作者參考。


This research, adopting the method of phenomenology and case study, deeply interviewed with three professionals who are over 35 and have significant differences in job positions then before, also, in the near future, will not seek another job change. From the interviewees' stories, we have the chance to see through how they develop and pursue their career goals. The findings are as follows: 1.Be practical about your pursuit. The past constitutes the present. 2.Stepping back sometimes means moving forward. Know yourself and remain flexible for necessary adjustment. 3.Break away old habits. The change will help to decide the direction of the new career. The research shows the conclusions as follows: 1.The "sense of hope" sets up the bridge of transitional stages. 2.The career development context constructs the schema of Professional Self. 3.The conversion process helps the individuals understanding their own needs. 4.Only by abandoning the pursuit of general value can the interviewees find their own belief for their future career. 5.“Meaning" and "Interest" are the hidden motivations of middle-aged career change, 6.Flexibility of beliefs and behavior helps the integration of available resources. 7.Continuous learning is essential for staying firm in the new career. 8.Career change in mid-age is not as negative as it is usually regarded.Take a more diversified perspective and you will find the future broad and wide. According to the findings, the study provides suggestions for future researchers and other professionals who probably would like to change their jobs in the middle-aged.


王坤鈜(2012)。以Erikson心理社會發展階段談論中年失業潮。家庭教育雙月刊,39期, 49-53。
