  • 學位論文


A Study of Personalized College Rankings

指導教授 : 侯永琪


有鑒於傳統的大學排名在技術上有許多無法克服的問題,因此產生一種新型的、以使用者為導向的個人化大學排名系統,本研究旨在探索傳統大學排名遭遇的挑戰,以及新型的個人化大學排名系統所能突破的排名困境,並以全球八大主要個人化大學排名系統進行分析與比較,最後綜合研究發現,對於相關主管單位、大學選校互動系統及未來研究提出數項建議。此八大分別為德國高等教育發展中心建置的個人化排名系統「大學排名」、加拿大麥克林的「個人化排名工具」、荷蘭的「選擇就讀大學」、美國教育統計中心「大學瀏覽系統」、英國的「個人化大學排名系統」、加拿大「漫遊大學系統」、美國富比士「個人化大學排名系統」、我國財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會的「大學選校互動系統」。本研究主要發現有: 一、個人化大學排名系統的指標數量多在二十項以上,甚至達一兩百項。 二、個人化大學排名系統是以學生為中心的服務系統,指標資料來源多以學生意見調查為主。 三、學術機構與政府部門投入經費建置個人化大學排名系統。 四、相較於傳統大學排名,個人化大學排名系統試著將決定高等教育品質的權力交到使用者手中。


Due to traditional college rankings with many fatal methodological problems which could not be solved at present, a new type of user-based ranking, called “personalized college ranking” is developed. The main purpose of this paper, therefore, is to explore what challenges are involved in the development of current college ranking nationally and globally, which is expected to be improved by establishing a new type of ranking system. First, this paper starts by introducing traditional college rankings and discussing their pitfalls and criticisms on methodologies and controversy. Next, the eight major personalized college rankings, including CHE University Ranking, The Maclean’s personalized University Ranking Tool, Studychoice.nl, College Navigator in America, Push, Campus Navigator, Do It Yourself Ranking and College Navigator In Taiwan, are analyzed and compared. Finally, based on the analysis and comparison among the eight systems, the main findings are provided as the following: 1.The number of indicators used personalized college ranking systems is from 20 to 200. 2.Personalized college ranking systems are user-oriented, and the main sources of indicators is student opinion survey. 3.Most personalized college ranking systems are funded and established by research institutions or government. 4.Compared to the fixed ranking outcomes produced via indicators and weightings by traditional college rankings, the personalized college ranking systems give rights to the users to select indicators and decide the weightings according to their various preferences to produce a ranking fit for the users’ needs through the web-based platform.


