  • 學位論文


Degradation of Antibiotics by Electrochemical Oxidation Process

指導教授 : 陳俊成


本研究是以電化學氧化程序處理水產養殖之抗生素廢水,利用電化學氧化程序所產生的氧化劑以及極板的氧化作用來降解去除抗生素廢水,同時探討電化學反應過程中七種抗生素之導電度、電流密度、pH值及ORP值等各項參數的變化與處理時間的關係。實驗方法分別以間接和直接電化學氧化法的方式進行:間接法實驗主要探討電解過程中所產生的氧化劑對於抗生素的色度降解處理,直接法實驗則是探討極板氧化作用以及氧化劑對於抗生素的色度降解處理,針對無法以色度判斷降解程度之抗生素則以COD降解比較分辨其處理效果。 根據文獻與本研究結果比較,Fenton法雖在操作處理安比西林前期的效果很好,但隨著操作時間的經過,氧化以及混凝的能力下降,電化學氧化程序的處理效果優於Fenton法。二氧化鈦光催化法在低濃度的情況時,操作處理磺胺二甲嘧啶前期能有很好的處理效果,但若是將操作時間以及濃度增加,電化學氧化程序能有更好的效果。 本實驗結果顯示,經過了60分鐘的電化學氧化程序操作處理後,四環素、磺胺嘧啶、慶大黴素、新黴素及鏈黴素的化學需氧量皆100 %完全降解去除,而安比西林及磺胺二甲嘧啶分別也有97 %及95 %的化學需氧量去除率。


電氧化 降解 抗生素 水產養殖 COD


An electrochemical oxidation process is used to degrade aquiculture wastewater contained with antibiotics. The degradation of seven different antibiotics with electrochemical oxidation process was tested to collect the operational parameters including conductivity, current density, pH and ORP. The indirect and direct electrochemical oxidation processed was performed to explore the effect of oxidant and electrode on the degradation of antibiotics based on color as indicator. Those antibiotics’ degradation can’t be represented by color; their COD degradation was used as alternative indicator. When comparing previous studies and the results of this study, Fenton method prevails in ampicillin degradation in the early periods. But with the lapse of time, its oxidation and coagulation capability were reduced. Then the electrochemical oxidation process becomes super to the Fenton method. For low concentration, photocatalyst method prevails in sulfamethazine degradation in the early periods. With longer operating time and the high concentration conditions, the electrochemical oxidation process reveals more efficient degradation. The COD experiments are concluded that with 60 minutes operation time of the electrochemical oxidation process, the COD of tetracycline, sulfadiazine, gentamycin, neomycin and streptomycin are 100% degradation, while the ampicillin and the sulfamethazine has 97% and 95% COD removal, respectively.


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