  • 學位論文


A Study on the Mysterious Culture of the 《History of the Kingdoms of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty》

指導教授 : 傅錫壬


《東周列國志》是依據《左傳》、《史記》等史料講述東周歷史的歷史演義小說,其地位僅次於《三國演義》,堪稱是羽翼信史派的代表作,同時也是蘊含玄秘文化現象最豐富的文學作品。然而,學界對此書的研究甚少涉及玄秘文化的領域。 在進入研究主題之前,需先解決以下幾個問題︰一、中國的玄秘文化的核心內容和架構?是否能在中國傳統文化中為其強韌的生命力尋到理論基礎?第二、《東周列國志》的成書歷經余邵魚《列國志傳》,馮夢龍改作並更名為《新列國志》,最後蔡元放刪訂並改名為《東周列國志》。三本書之間的關係如何?《東周列國志》的原著作者是馮夢龍嗎?近年來雖有見解提出,目前缺乏充分的整體性說明。 針對文本中玄秘文化的部分,要處理的問題如下︰一、依架構限定研究類型;二、這些涉及玄秘文化的情節是有所本還是藝術性虛構?這問題涉及本事溯源;三、玄秘文化現象在文本中的作用;四、是否有理論基礎? 針對上述問題的解決方式如下︰探討中國玄秘文化的內核和建立架構;其次、採用文獻內容比對法提出充分的說明,確定三本作品的關係及提出原著作者是馮夢龍的主張;其三、將文本中涉及玄秘文化的內容分別就鬼神文化、徵應文化和巫術文化,進行本事溯源、情節梳理、探尋玄秘文化現象的理論基礎以及闡發作者的思想。


東周列國志 玄秘文化 徵應 鬼神 巫術


"The Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms" is a historical romance novel that tells the history of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty based on historical materials such as "Zuo Zhuan" and "Historical Records". Its status is second only to "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". It can be called a masterpiece of the Auxiliary Trustworthy Historical Record School, and it is also the richest literary work containing the occultism culture phenomena. However, the academic research on this book rarely involves the field of occultism. Before entering the study topic, the following questions need to be answered: First, the core content and structure of China's occultism? Can you find a theoretical basis for its resilience in traditional Chinese culture? Second, the book "Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms" had originally the work of Yu Shaoyu's "The Dynasty History of Five Hegemons and Seven Warring States" and then Feng Menglong revised and renamed it to "New Chronicles of the Kingdoms", and finally Cai Yuanfang reduced and revised then renamed it to "Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms". What is the relationship between the three books? Is the original author of "Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms" Feng Menglong? Although some opinions have been proposed in recent years, there is still lack of sufficient overall explanation presently. About the occultism in the context, we need to address the following issues: 1. Confine the study type according to the structure. 2. Does the plot that related with occultism culture base on facts or just an artistic fiction? And the verification of the facts tracing process is another issue. 3. The function of the occultism culture served in this context. 4. Is there any theoretical basis for it? About the aforementioned issues, these are the ways to address them: Firstly, study the inner core and construction structure of Chinese occultism culture. Secondly, adopt Literature Content Comparison Method to propose a sufficient explanation. To verify the relationship among the three works and propose that the original author was Feng Menglong. Thirdly, to trace the facts, organize the plot, study the occultism culture phenomena to the occultism culture contents related to the context by referring to ghost and deity culture, solicitation culture and witchcraft culture to find out its theoretical basis and expound the author’s thoughts.


(漢)孔安國注、(唐)孔穎達疏︰《尚書》(臺北︰藝文印書館, 1993年9月。(清)阮元校(勘,《十三經注疏附校勘記》)
(漢)毛亨傳、鄭 玄箋、(唐)賈公彥疏︰《詩經》(臺北︰藝文印書館, 1993年9月。(清)阮元校勘,《十三經注疏附校勘記》)
(漢)司馬遷撰︰《史記》(臺北︰商務印書館, 2010年9月臺二版,《百納本二十四史》影印《宋慶元黃善夫刊》本)
