  • 學位論文


The Study of Business Intelligence Applied to Implement Executive Information Systems for Small and Medium Enterprises

指導教授 : 廖述賢


現今企業資訊整合已經成為了企業所面臨的一大挑戰,而基層工作人員相較於其他層級而言,在人力與各方面資源上有著較多的優勢。現行企業環境下資訊需被整合,來形成其效益概念,建立並推行高階主管資訊系統,提升各部門對資訊整合的重視度,並藉此希望可以成為未來企業發展上的主流趨勢。另外,也同時探討在資訊尚未整合且需人工彙整,導致人力資源的浪費與取得資訊的準確性跟速度上不及計算機運算的情況中,就經營績效、設備建置、人力資源及種種成本考量,採取相對應不同方式以因應現今企業環境下所面臨的威脅。 近年來,資訊科技的進步替企業提供了多樣的支援應用系統。支援應用系統是否應用的成功,在高階主管資訊系統開發中除了各單位的配合外,也要了解高階主管的需求,設計出友善的介面,讓使用者使用起來方便順手。整合後的資料,經過分析所產生的效益,是必須讓高階主管認為該份資訊對決策部份是有幫助的,否則就失去了建置高階主管資訊系統的意義。因此如何針對高階主管本身特質來配置最具效益的技術,並發展有效的資訊系統,已成為企業存續與否的重要課題。此外,許多應用於企業的管理概念,如知識管理、商業智慧,已漸漸滲透到企業裡,但實際上有執行管理概念者卻為數不多。 故在探討相關企業背景情況下,本研究擬建構一個符合該企業的高階主管資訊系統,講求從開始診斷到後續產生資訊供企業決策參考使用。本研究將商業智慧、本體論等概念,和資料庫系統、資料整合結合在一起,構建可以供主管做決策用的高階主管資訊系統,希望藉此幫助主管執行決策及訊息提供的輔助外,也替企業創造新的價值與企業間之差異性,進而提升企業的競爭優勢。


Nowadays enterprise is facing a major challenge with information integration, and the front line workers, comparing with colleagues at other levels, have more advantages in human resources and all other aspects. In the overall business environment, information should be integrated to form the concept of effectiveness, establish & implement the executive information system, and to enhance the department’s attention to information integration to let it hopefully become the main trend of enterprise development in the future. In addition, it also discusses the waste of human resources, the inaccuracy and speed of the none-integrated and artificial calculated information system, and how to deal with deferent kinds of threatens in today’s enterprise environment by corresponding ways on consideration of operation performance, equipment deployment, human resources and any costs factors. In recent years, the progress of information technology provides enterprises a variety of supporting application systems to choose. The success of such systems for senior executives not only depends on each department’s coordination during the development of systems, but also needs to realize exactly what executives’ demand is and a friendly interface for the convenience of users. The integrated data and the benefits of the integration must be recognized by executives that it is helpful to decision-making; otherwise it will be meaningless for doing all of this. So it becomes the top subject for enterprise’s continuity by configuring cost-effective technology with relevant to executives’ personal characters and developing effective information systems. Furthermore, though many management concepts such as knowledge management and business intelligence are already widely applied in enterprises, only few executives implement such managing concept. Investigating enterprise’s relational background, this research tries to build a better information system for executives’ decision-making from identifying demands and issues to final data collected. At the same time, the concepts of business intelligence and ontology will combine with data base system and information integration to setup a system for executive’s decision-making, hoping it can creates the new value, diversity and competitive advantage for enterprises.


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