  • 學位論文


Competitive Prototyping Strategy on the United States Defense Acquisition: A Case Study of Joint Strike Fighter Program

指導教授 : 林若雩


美國國防部在2008年的新一版國防部指令5000.02中,已經要求不論是主系統或次級系統,都必須進行原型系統開發競爭,利用原型系統在某些特定領域之設計概念與科技的驗證,作為國防部在採購決策與選擇上的參考。原型系統開發競爭在謹慎的應用下,可對計畫本身有顯著的正面效益,包含降低技術風險、驗證技術的可行性、系統要求的優化,並讓成本和效能之間的權衡決策有更多的資料依據。然而僅依靠原型發展和競爭,並不能保證讓研發採購計畫有成功的結果。成本、時程和執行效率都被一連串獨立於原型系統開發競爭策略以外的因素所影響,這些外部因素若應對不當,則很有可能會壓蓋過所有從原型系統開發競爭策略中所取得的利益。 近年原型系統發展策略,已經逐漸脫離過去的執行模式,在符合國家安全與同盟政治利益的前提下,美國也開始和其它盟邦合作或引進外籍廠商共同開發。除了藉由和盟邦共同開發以推銷自家產品外,也讓盟邦擁有部分智慧財產權或相關權利,增加盟邦投資意願、共同分擔研發費用與風險,在減輕美國負擔的同時,也穩固美國在國際權力架構下的領導地位。 從1971年美國國防部頒布第一份國防採購指令「5000.1」到今天,美國依舊持續在國防採購和原型系統開發競爭的改革上努力,每次改革都體現出對歷史經驗的總結和對未來的規劃。自1960年代的PPBS開始,經歷了TPP、CPS、納恩.麥卡迪修正案等等,美國透過一連串制度創新和制度變遷的作為與建構,把技術創新與經濟成果鞏固下來。藉由制度創新調整與穩定國防採購中的相互關係,降低交易的各種成本,從而實現並穩固了日益複雜的交易活動。儘管現存制度仍有不完備之處,但在各國積極推動國防現代化及改革的今天,借鑒美國國防採購的經驗和做法,對世界各國進一步推動國防採購改革具有相當重要的意義。


In the latest version of DOD Instruction 5000.02, which released in 2008, it was required to provide for two or more competing teams producing prototypes of the system and/or key system elements. Prototype systems or appropriate component-level prototyping shall be employed to reduce technical risk, validate designs and cost estimates, evaluate manufacturing processes, and refine requirements. Information technology initiatives shall prototype subsets of overall functionality using one or more teams, with the intention of reducing enterprise architecture risks, prioritizing functionality, and facilitating process redesign. However, competition and prototyping cannot guarantee a successful result of acquisition and developing program. Competitive prototyping is affected by cost, schedule and efficiency; they are independent from the competitive prototype system. If these external factors don’t correspond properly, we may not benefit as we expect from competitive prototype strategy. In recent years, competitive prototype strategy has changed its executive pattern. Based on the interest of national security and alliance politics, the U.S. government starts to cooperate with allies or introduce foreign company on defense systems development. They not only try to sell U.S. defense systems through co-development and share the intellectual property rights, but to encourage allies to share R&D costs and risks. When reducing U.S. defense budget, the U.S. leadership in the international power structure will be strengthened as well. Since the first DOD Instruction 5000.1 in 1971, the United States has been working on the reform of defense acquisition and competitive prototype strategy, each reform reflects the historical experiences and the planning for the future. From the PPBS in 1970s, the United States has been through a series of institutional innovation and changes, like TPP, CPS and Nunn–McCurdy Amendment, which preserve the technology and economic achievements in the defense acquisition. Institutional innovation stabilizes and adjusts the relationship in defense procurement between buyers and sellers. It reduces costs of various transactions, in order to achieve and secure the increasingly complex trading activities. Although the existing system of the U.S. defense acquisition is still imperfect in many places, learning from the experience of the U.S. defense procurement and practices has very important significance for each country to promote their defense procurement reform and modernization of national defense.


Brinton Holley, Irving, United States Army in World War 2, Buying Aircraft: Material Procurement for Army Air Forces. DC: Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History, 1964.
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Final Report of Defense Science Board Task Force on Globalization and Security, DC: U.S. Department of Defense, 1999.
II. Books
Art, Robert J., The TFX Decision: McNamara and the Military, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1968.
