  • 學位論文


The Incarnation of Sex and Soul in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go

指導教授 : 陳佩筠


本論文以石黑一雄的《別讓我走》為材料,探討 現代生命體如何 在 權力知 識、二元論、意識形態的構成中追尋具個體性(individual)的生命形式(the art of living)。在權力知識的流散,二元對立的定義,乃至意識形態的形成 和人的 性 與 靈 相互關係。論文分為三個部分,第一章聚焦於知識權力的發 展以及對人的影響。討論社會的建制即為透過權力的流散達到其影響力;而知 識強化權力的鞏固性。權力知識的流散過程產生出許多機制(mechanism),並 透過語言定義或再定義其意旨。在無法保障定義的合理性,即為語言暴力。第 二章探討二元論下的社會架構狹隘化生命的意義以及多元的個體性。對於個體 質問有無靈魂,也同時審判了個體的生命政治,削減思辯能力。本文認為再創 造工藝作品的同時,可喚起並啟發思考能力,進而發展出 自我關懷 的能力。 第三章探討意識形態的目的以及個體如何從意識形態的構成之中發展個體 性。意識形態對於知識的解讀是趨於簡化知識本體,卻也可能阻礙個體思考的 活化,使個體的淪為被操作的客體。也就是說,意識形態對於人的記憶、認知、 以及體驗都具有扭曲的影響;也因此,人際關係也會淪為一種可取代的商品。 面對人際上的不信認感、相互利用的困境,也凸顯互信、互重,以及互愛為最 終答案。


傅柯 權力知識 二元論 意識形態 性意識


The thesis focuses on Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go and attempts to figure out how a modern life seeks art of living while power-knowledge, dualism, and ideology are working together. The thesis also discovers that the distribution of power-knowledge, the definition in dualistic structure, and the formation of ideology will decide humans’ sex and soul. The thesis is divided into three main parts. In chapter one, it is going to focus on the development of power-knowledge and its influence to human beings. The institutionalized society expands its influence by distributing its power. Knowledge consolidates the expansion and distribution of power. In the process of distributing power-knowledge, social and political mechanisms are produced, and define and re-define their meanings. The thesis terms this situation as the violence of language since it can’t sustain its reasonability. In chapter two, a dichotomized society will narrow the meaning of a life and eliminate the differences among individuals. Asking whether having soul or not is the way to judge bio-power of an individual and decrease the ability of thinking and questioning. The thesis also discovers that artwork making can evoke these abilities, inspire more ideas, and develop “the care of self.” In chapter three, the thesis is going to analyze the aim of the ideology and how an individual develops individuality while ideology is trying to brainwash humans’ mind. Although ideology simplifies knowledge, it also impedes an individual from activating thinking and manipulates the individual. That is to say, ideology can probably distort humans’ memory, recognition, and experience. As a result, interpersonal relationship becomes unsteady since there is only utilitarianism among people rather than mutual trust. Therefore, drawing back mutual trust, respect and love can help a modern life find the answer.


Foucault power-knowledge dualism ideology sexuality


Works Cited
D’Emilio, J. and Freenman, E. Intimate Matter: a History of Sexuality in America. New York: Harper and Row, 1983.
Fukuyama, Francis. The end of History and the Last man. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.1992. Print.
Foucault, Michel. The Foucault Reader: On the Genealogy of Ethic: Overview of Work in Progress. Ed. Paul Rabinow. New York: Vintage-Random, 1965. Print.
Harper and Row, 1972. —The History of Sexuality: Introduction. Trans. Robert Hurley. New York: Vintage-Random House, 1985. Print.
