  • 學位論文


Surfaces of Tamsui

指導教授 : 陳珍誠
共同指導教授 : 王俊雄(Chun-Hsiung Wang)


本研究起始於淡水小徑的漫遊,淡水的小徑大多都保留著早期的樣貌與生活模式,述說著小鎮細緻而有質感的一面。在捷運開通之後,淡水變成了一個台北近郊容易到達的新去處,便利商店的旅遊雜誌裡頭撰寫的盡是老街與鬧區的吃喝玩樂,規劃的路線週邊也逐漸演變成大眾聚集的商業場所。隨著淡海新市鎮開發的,從台北往淡水的方向不難發現,沿路房地產廣告的案名,從希臘的聖托里尼到義大利的托斯卡尼,無不費心的希望把淡水包裝上異國度假的悠閒情調。然而,從對於一個地點的感知來思考可以發現,實質空間上的親身經歷慢慢的演變成透過閱讀資訊的方式得到虛擬的場所訊息-這兩者在對於一個地點的主觀認知上,其實存在著極大的差異。   研究的起始點是對於大量而且速成的淡水印象產生質疑:對照這些媒體包裝過的淡水與真實現況中的落差,本研究一方面反思這個現象,並試圖以設計操作對於這個環境作出回應。設計的整體架構主要分為幾個系列:前置設計的操作物件(就地取材�衍生關聯性)、基地現況的回應方式(直接�暗喻)、指引路徑的暗示強度(明顯�低調),以及設計連結的路徑區塊。這些系列設計主要由在地性的觀察開始:首先進行基地相關的收集與小單元的材料操作,接著是對於單元牆面的試做,然後是發展到建築單元的空間尺度。操作中亦透過一些電腦軟、硬體的輔助,在思考立面構築的過程裡嘗試一些新的可能。 設計操作主要探討空間中的感官體驗,企圖在操作的過程中尋找場所的本質,並思考如何對場所氛圍的再現做出回應。藉由設計在淡水基地的植入,以不同的方式串連這些巷弄之間的淡水路徑,意圖將淡水的感知地圖從刻板的架構開始延伸拓展。透過對這些路徑(捷徑)的指認,得以區分淡水與其他商業包裝的地點的差異性,期望藉由再認識這些場所的過程,增加我們對於這塊土地的喜好與認同。


包裝 立面 皮層 氛圍 感知 材料構築


The original motive of this research begins by venturing into Tamsui’s footpaths. Many of these footpaths still retain some of the more traditional heritages, which offer a delicate touch to the landscape. Following completion of the Tamsui MRT (Mass Rapid Transit System) line, it has provided a much easier accessibility to Tamsui for everyone. Travel magazines have run many articles in depicting the city’s “old street”. Areas within the vicinity have transformed into a hub for business and leisure activities. In the wake of the Tamsui New Town development, one can easily see the various real estate projects popping up along the roads from Taipei to Tamsui. From the famous island of Santorini to Italy’s Tuscany, developers are trying to make up Tamsui into a city filled with an exotic atmosphere. However, from the standpoint for the “sense of place”, the “look and feel” is evolving into more like a reading process. In contrast to the way it is perceived through our own eyes, the other ways of representation differ a great deal. This research begins by observing the significant differences between the media’s illustration of Tamsui and the way it actually is. The variations are closely looked into, where the city’s inner aspects are delineated from the design work. The overall layout of the design work section is divided into several categories: 1. Initial design of the operating objects (material collected onsite / associated relationship). 2. Response to the site status (direct / indirect). 3. Intensity of indication these footpaths (visible / low profile). 4. Places linked by the design works. These design themes originate mostly from onsite observations, where the procedure is summarized as follows. Firstly, research of the site and the material operation by object study. Secondly, study of the units for the wall, which subsequently develops into the spatial scale of a building. Finally, operations are conducted via both computer hardware and software, testing a new dimension of the surface tectonic. The design works mainly explore the sense of the spatial experience, which along with the inherent qualities of an area, and trying to represent the aura of the environment. Through the design works on the site, different methods are used in connecting the roads and footpaths of Tamsui, where the map of urban image can be further developed, especially in segments with less vitality. The identification of these paths (shortcuts) can further help distinguish the difference between Tamsui and other “packaged” locations. Against this backdrop, it is hoped that this study will allow us to know how to better embrace our environment.


Package Facade Skin Aura Sense of Place Material and Tectonic.


Christian Norberg-Schulz
Mike Crang
Philip Smith
Tim Cresswell
Blaine Brownell




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