  • 學位論文


Secure RFID Tag Ownership Transfer Protocols

指導教授 : 黃仁俊


無線射頻技術(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)應用越來越廣泛,由於其可以重複讀寫和快速讀取等特性,使得將RFID技術融入供應鏈管理的應用也屢見不鮮,但是在這應用層面中存在一重要的安全議題:所有權的安全轉移,本論文提出一個安全的所有權轉移方法可以提供身分鑑別、向前安全、防止重送攻擊、力抗阻斷服務攻擊和維護新擁有者隱私以及舊擁有者隱私。


RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology is now in widespread use in various applications. As a result of its not only has rewritable characteristic and also accesses the information rapidly. The supply chains usually use the RFID technology to manage the goods, but there is an important secure issue of tag ownership transfer. This paper proposes a secure RFID tag ownership transfer protocol not only can provide identity authentication, forward security, new owner privacy, and old owner privacy but also prevent replay attack and DoS attack.


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