  • 學位論文

消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約中婚姻與家庭關係歧視廢除之研究 --兼論對日台國內法的影響

The Research on eliminating discrimination against women in all matters relating to marriage and family relations under CEDAW --the Influence on the Domestic Laws of Japan and Taiwan

指導教授 : 胡慶山


占世界人口一半的女性、自古以來在社會上幾乎處於弱勢的地位,「男尊女卑」、「三從四德」、「女子無才便是德」等皆是傳統社會、家族中控制或貶抑婦女地位的規範。《聯合國憲章》即提到不分種族、性別、語言、或宗教,對於全體人類之權及基本自由之尊重。《世界人權宣言》亦提及:人人在任何地方有權被承認在法律前的人格;法律之前人人平等,並有權享受法律的平等保護,不受任何歧視。時至今日,婦女的地位是否已逐漸提升?在人權意識日漸擡頭下,人們開始關心婦女的地位及男女是否平等。其中在家庭關係中婦女的地位和權利即為本論文研究之重點。 1979年,聯合國大會通過《消除對婦女一切歧視公約》(Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, 簡稱CEDAW)(以下簡稱公約),可說是邁向男女平等社會的指引。 本文係以CEDAW第16條婚姻與家庭關係中婦女權利為主軸,共分為七章。第一章為緒論;第二章說明第16條成立背景和制定過程;第三章說明第16條的意義和特色;第四章說明日本與第16條相關,日本政府報告書審查和與日本國內法之關係;第五章說明日本政府與16條相關的日本法院判決,第六章說明第16條對台灣法制度的影響。最後第七章結論,說明因16條的內容,對台日法制度的影響比較,以期台灣社會在婦女地位遭遇相關議題時,作為借鏡亦可從中找到更適合的法律制度與方式。


Women are the half population in the world. However, they’re always the vulnerable people in the society, “Men are Superior to Women”, "Three Rules of Obedience and Four Virtues”, “A woman who lacks talent is virtuous” are all for control and debased women. Charter of the United Nations mentions the “Respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion”, and Universal Declaration of Human Rights also mentions “All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.” Times go by, if women’s status been promoted? Due to the awareness of human right, people starts to think about the status of women and if the status of men and women are equal. The relationship and status of women in the family is the main study of this thesis. The United Nations General Assembly, by resolution, adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) on December 18, 1979. Which is the index for the equality of men and women. This thesis is based on the women rights of marriage and family relations in CEDAW Article 16, divided into 7 chapters: Chapter I. Introduction, Chapter II. The background and process of the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Article 16, Chapter III. The significance and idea of the CEDAW Article 16, Chapter IV. Japanese government’s report, Comments of Committee and the influence in the Law of Japan, Chapter V. Japan government’s judgment about CEDAW Article 16, Chapter VI. The influence in the Low of Taiwan, VII. Conclusion, compare the influence of Law in Taiwan and Japan about CEDAW Article 16. For protection the status of women, for finding the better regulation about protection the women status in marriage and family.


1. 許慶雄,李明峻合著 (2001) 《現代國際法》,初版,臺北:元照。
2. 許慶雄 (2001) 《中華民國如何成為國家》,初版,臺北:前衛。
3. 許慶雄‧李明峻共著 (2009)『國際法概論』台南:泉泰實業股份有限公司。
