  • 學位論文


The study of Japan's low-cost carriers's strategies

指導教授 : 任耀庭


世界各國低成本航空在1987年後開始紛紛成立,但日本卻遲遲到2012年才開始發展低成本航空,西南航空的成功固然值得其他企業做為參考,但並不是每一家低成本航空公司都完全適合西南航空的營運策略,根據不同區域,每一家低成本航空公司都逐漸開發出屬於自己的市場定位,日本曾面臨到低成本航空企業的破產,在失敗中也逐漸找到適合日本的經營策略。 本研究主要研究對象為日本新興低成本航空企業,包括了捷星日本航空(Jetstar Japan)、香草航空(Vanilla Air)以及樂桃航空(Peach Aviation)共三家航空公司,主要先瞭解日本主要低成本航空的發展現況,並且整理歸納出日本低成本航空的經營模式,最後去定義日本低成本企業的經營特色。 在結果方面,本研究最後主要結論為日本低成本航空擁有以下特色:「多為子公司模式,並且又分成獨立經營與受母公司影響」、「由於人口高齡化的結果,希望推出旅行社代理販售通路」、「較為注重機上餐點,推出特色且高單價的餐飲」。


LCCs have been established in countries around the world after 1987, but the Japanese have been slow to 2012 began to develop low-cost carriers. Southwest Airline's success is a reference for other enterprises, but not every low-cost carriers suit for Southwest Airline's operating strategies, depending on the area, each low-cost carriers gradually found their market position. Japanese low-cost carriers have faced bankruptcy, but now they gradually found suitable business strategies. Subjects of this study are emerging low-cost carriers in Japan, including Jetstar Japan, Vanilla Air and Peach Aviation. First, try to understand the current status of Japan's major low-cost carriers, and summed business model of Japanese low-cost carriers. Finally, define Japanese low-cost carriers operating characteristics. In the result, the main conclusion of this study is low-cost carriers in Japan have the following characteristics:" Belong subsidiary, and will is divided into independent operation and influence by the parent company," "As a result of an population aging, will have travel agents selling access," "Emphasis on meals, launch characteristics and high price food. "


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