  • 學位論文


Taiwanese Group Meals Pathway of Reciprocity and Trust Relationship Marketing Research

指導教授 : 林江峰


近年因總體環境改變,社經結構逐漸邁入M型社會,民生物資持續攀升,團膳業者的利潤持續受極大的壓縮,且隨著食品安全議題不斷被強化報導,相關政令上的修正與推動更是不遺餘力,使台灣食品團膳產業多方面臨嚴峻考驗;在此背景下,本研究主張團膳產業應透過提升整體產業供應鏈之價值以創造利基,而策略性作法首重透過關係行銷連結上下游之資源,建立夥伴關係共創雙贏。 本研究試圖以Morgan & Hunt (1994) 所提出的關鍵中介變數模型(Key Mediating Variables Model;KMV Model),配合產業特性與營運重點,先進行模型修正後繼而驗證此模型在食品團膳產業中之適用性,並探討變數間的關係為何,希望經由團膳客戶的觀點,檢視其與上游供應商在交易合作過程中,可透過哪些層面以提高雙方之互信、互惠基礎,進而漸離長久合作關係,企盼本研究之結果能對業者日後行銷策略有所助益。 實證結果顯示,關係利益、關係終止成本會對關係承諾產生正向顯著影響,溝通則同時對信任與關係承諾造成正向顯著影響,而投機行為則會負向影響信任;在關係結果部份,關係承諾會負向影響離去意願,但正向影響合作,信任則同時正向影響合作與功能性衝突。 最後,則針對台灣食品團膳產業提出實務管理意涵、本研究限制與未來研究方向。


團膳 關係行銷 KMV模型 關係承諾 信任


Facing the influence of the M form society, the issue of cost down has been more and more important for caterind service industry. Atherwise, the food safty is also the key issue. Therefore, relationship marketing is the key successful strategy for this industry. This thesis tried to proof the applied situation of relationship marketing in catering service industry by taking use of Key Mediating Variables Model that was proposed by Morgan and Hunt in 1994 and confer the relation among variables. Besides, this thesis hoped to survey if forwarders need to reinforce the management of relationship marketing through client’s viewpoints and looked forward to aid marketing strategy of the practice hereafter. The result describes relationship benefits and relationship termination costs have straightly obvious effect upon relationship commitment, communication have straightly obvious effect upon both relationship commitment and trust. And opportunistic behavior have straightly obvious effect upon trust. Lastly, it recommends the author’s opinions and suggestions to forwarder and follow-up research.


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