  • 學位論文


The effect of price discount frequency and discount depth on consumer behavior.

指導教授 : 曾忠蕙


長久以來,價格一直都是消費者選擇產品主要決定因素之一,而價格促銷是廠商常運用在短期銷售誘因工具,其設計目的是用來刺激消費者,使消費者有更快的反應被吸引或購買更多產品或服務。本研究從「促銷頻率」角度來探討,並且也將「促銷深度」設定為自變數,以「品牌形象」為干擾變數,衡量消費者對商品的「消費者態度」、「知覺品質」與「購買意願」是否有顯著性的差異。   本研究以台北某大專院校大學部及研究所學生為受試者,本研究前測分為兩次,第一次前測為選取出日常生活中常使用到的洗面乳品牌及手機品牌,各選出形象高與形象低的品牌,第二次前測為選出洗面乳及手機之頻率高與低、深度高與低,而後將正式問卷設計成八組,分為兩種促銷深度及兩種促銷頻率,再將問卷打散,分發於受測者進行實驗,判斷品牌形象高或低,受測者對產品的消費者態度、知覺品質與購買意願有何影響。   經後續假設驗證,發現消費者面對不同「價格促銷頻率」,其消費者態度與知覺品質有顯著差異,在促銷深度方面,不同「價格促銷深度」其消費者態度與知覺品質亦有顯著差異,「品牌形象」在不同價格促銷頻率與不同價格促銷深度,對消費者態度、知覺品質與購買意願具有干擾效果。


Price is always one of the key factors that affect consumers’ willingness to purchase. To increase the short-term sales, firms usually draw on price promotion, which stimulates and motivates consumers to buy more products/services in a shorter time. From the perspective of promotion frequency, the research explores that if there are substantial differences among consumer’s attitude, perceived quality, and purchase intention toward goods. The independent variable is promotion depth; the moderating variable, brand image. The research targeted both college and graduate students of a certain university in Taipei. There were two pretests. The first pretest selected two brands of facial foams and two of mobiles. In each category, one is of higher brand image; the other, of lower brand image. The subsequent pretest measured the promotion frequency and promotion depth with regard to the previously selected brands. The official questionnaire had eight sections. Each section contained promotion depth and promotion frequency. Two varied levels of both promotion depth and promotion frequency were given. Then the questionnaires were dispersed to testers who determined the level of brand image. They also revealed their consumer attitude, perceived quality and purchase intention about those four products. After the hypotheses were examined, the study found out that substantial difference between consumer attitude and perceived quality existed when the consumers faced different price promotion frequencies. Different price promotion depths resulted in striking differences between consumer attitude and perceived quality. Under the circumstances of distinctive price promotion frequencies and varied price promotion depths, the brand image can interrupted consumer attitude, perceived quality, and purchase intention.


