  • 學位論文


Study on the Finance of Unorganized Money Market And the Small-Medium Enterprises

指導教授 : 林蒼祥


論文提要內容: 無組織資金市場的地下金融和正規金融供給環境的金融双元性,始終存在於金融體系。中小企業對促進經濟發展扮演著重要角色,但長久以來都有資金取得困難的問題,乃因中小企業無法自正規金融供給環境及時取得所需融通資金,而求助地下金融,並促使地下金融蓬勃發展。 本研究參考文獻並收集中央銀行、經濟部及經濟部中小企業處公布之官方統計資料整理分析。地下金融活動的規模是以1997年至2012年中央銀行全體民營企業綜合資產負債統計表中負債和存貨總額,扣減金融機構放款餘額,以量化方式計算出台灣地下金融活動的規模。研究結果證實,台灣地下金融的規模每年幾乎都維持在新台幣6、7兆之間。 研究發現,不論政府採取任何金融改革,地下金融永遠有存在空間。 本研究目的:(1)回溯地下金融活動對社會、經濟造成的影響;(2)非正規金融亦非屬地下金融之金融活動;(3)地下金融對於中小企業融資之探討;(4)中小企業融資的渠道及融資困難。


Abstract In this study, we use quantitative analysis method and apply total amount of LIABILITY and GOODS IN STOCK from The Central Bank’s “ Statistics of all assets and liabilities of private enterprises ” since 1997 to 2012. Then, less total amount LOANS of finance organ to calculate Underground Finance size of Unorganized Money Market in Taiwan. After analyzing, we get a conclusion that the Underground Finance size of Unorganized Money Market in Taiwan almost maintain between 6 trillion and 7 trillion New Taiwan Dollars a year during 1997 to 2012. Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play important roles in fostering economic development. However, due to enterprise has always been a problem in capital acquisition. This study find that the SMEs is unable to get satisfaction loans from Regular Finance System, such financing gap could be fulfilled by Unorganized Money Market. It is no matter government adopts any finance reform, Underground Finance of Unorganized Money Market and Regular Finance is in existence together in the finance system forever, which is the meaning of “Dual Finance”. The purpose of this research will remind influence of Unorganized Money Market activity to the society and economy; the financial activity of Non-Regular Finance System and Non-Unorganized Money Market; providing assistance of the Unorganized Money Market to the SMEs; also discussing loan’s channels and difficulties of the SMEs .


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