  • 學位論文


To Examine the Key Factors of Service Innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Perspective of System Dynamics

指導教授 : 解燕豪


在台灣經濟發展過程中,中小企業扮演著極為重要的關鍵角色,為台灣開創了許多經濟奇蹟,引領台灣經濟向上發展,其中,由於台灣傳統中小企業皆以製造業為主,其企業發展之方向聚焦於產品的生產與製造上,此種以製造產品為核心概念的生產方式,輕忽服務所蘊含的價值,導致其難以提升顧客之價值。此外,因為全球化的越趨盛行,導致全球市場互通,身處於此局勢下的各家中小企業,面臨著競爭者急遽增加、顧客大幅銳減的企業困境,再者,由於生產成本越趨攀升,中小企業利潤不再,亦導致中小企業陷入營運危機。在此困境下的中小企業,為求永續經營,紛紛致力於企業轉型,希望透過企業轉型,以此突破企業瓶頸,開創企業新局面。而鑒於服務越趨重要,透過服務創新可以有效開創企業新價值,大幅提升企業競爭力與企業績效,從而幫助企業達成永續經營之目的,是故,中小企業希冀透過服務創新從事企業轉型,以此開創新的服務價值,帶給顧客新的服務體驗,從而提高企業之價值,開創企業新局面。有鑑於此,本研究之目的,主要藉著探討中小企業目前所面臨的產業困境,以此探究出影響服務創新的關鍵之因素,並透過深入探究服務創新對企業成效之影響,從而發展出一套服務創新衡量機制,透過此機制可有效幫助中小企業管理者了解哪些關鍵因素有助於企業建立服務創新能力,協助中小企業管理者,能在越趨變化的產業環境中,掌握服務創新此利器,提升中小企業服務創新轉型的成效,協助中小企業得以在越趨競爭的產業環境中生存。本研究透過深入訪談目前有在從事服務創新轉型的中小企業管理者,探究出目前中小企業產業困境的主要原因,乃為營業額下滑、原物料成本上漲、與競爭越趨激烈此三大問題,並依據訪談所蒐集到的數據資料,運用系統動力學,從而建構出符合中小企業營運困境的因果循環圖,以此更深入了解中小企業營運環境中各變數間的互動關係,進而發展出實驗一的模擬模型:中小企業困境存量流量圖,透過此模型之模擬結果,協助本研究具體了解中小企業在生產成本、競爭者、營業額上,其數值之變動幅度與趨勢,以此分析中小企業在未導入服務創新前,其在時間的推演變化下,企業營運會產生什麼樣的變化,並從中分析企業未來可能面臨的營運狀況,進而分析企業應採取何種策略加以應對。 此外,為求有效解決中小企業營運之困境,且鑒於服務創新有助於企業提升服務之價值,開創企業新契機,提升企業之績效,是故,本研究採用服務創新以此做為政策模擬之方針,並依據中小企業營運困境的因果循環圖為基礎,結合資源基礎理論,深入探討影響服務創新成效的關鍵影響因素,並運用系統動力學,將各項有助於企業培育服務創新能力的關鍵影響資源納入考量,從而建構出服務創新因果循環圖,以此協助本研究更深入的了解各項關鍵因素與服務創新的互動關係,進而延伸發展出實驗二的模擬模型:服務創新存量流量圖,透過此模擬模型,以此探究各項企業資源是否有助於中小企業建置服務創新能力,並探討其對企業之影響成效,並依據模擬之結果,具體觀察服務創新對於中小企業營業額、生產成本、競爭者數之影響,從而協助本研究建構出一套系統性的服務創新衡量機制,此套機制認為企業在導入服務創新時,其可透過培育透過跨部門協調、顧客資訊與競爭者資訊此三項關鍵資源,培養企業的市場應用能力;透過培育知識擷取、知識散佈與知識應用此三項關鍵資源,培養企業的知識整合能力;透過顧客參與、夥伴契合度、夥伴專業知識此三項關鍵企業資源,培養企業的協同合作能力;資訊科技與資訊科技經驗此兩項關鍵資源,培養企業的科技應用能力;透過此四大企業獨特性能力,從而孕育出企業的服務創新能力,創造出新的企業服務型態,從而開創新的企業服務價值,激發企業發展之潛能,孕育出有別於其他競爭者的企業競爭優勢。本研究亦依循此服務創新機制,提供一套企業管理方針,以此協助中小企業透過服務創新轉型時,能夠有所依循,幫助企業能在有限的資源中,做最妥適的運用,提高中小企業服務創新成功的機會,解決中小企業所面臨到的經營困境與績效不彰的狀況。此外,本研究所建構的實驗模擬模型,其在生產成本、營業額、競爭者之模擬結果,皆與中小企業歷史資料相符,此兩者間的趨勢變動極為相符,且數值範圍亦極為相似,可以見得本研究實驗一、實驗二所建構的模擬模型,符合真實中小企業營運之運作,實驗模型合乎真實狀況,是故,實驗模擬之結果具有一定可信度。 本研究有以下幾點之發現:(1)中小企業在尚未推廣、施行服務創新之前,其面臨生產成本越趨上升、競爭越趨激烈、營業額日漸下滑的營運問題,致使其陷入營運危機之中,是故,中小企業有其必要性導入服務創新,以此在越趨低迷的市場環境中,尋求蛻變與轉機。(2)本研究建構出一套服務創新機制,此機制協助中小企業探究出影響服務創新的關鍵影響因素與關鍵能力,幫助中小企業管理者在有限的投資中,得到最大的效益。(3)企業可有效透過服務創新,提升企業之績效,協助企業在越趨競爭的產業環境中,突破企業瓶頸,達到永續經營之企業目標。(4)中小企業在導入服務創新的過程中,其成本雖會有所增長,但相較於企業績效來說,企業營業額的成長更為可觀、更為顯著,可大幅紓解中小企業營運不彰的企業窘境,幫助中小企業開創新的企業績效,是故,中小企業有投資服務創新的經濟效益存在,協助其得以在低迷不振的市場環境中化危機為轉機。在研究限制方面,由於本研究的重點主著重在企業內部所能控制的關鍵因素,將焦點聚焦在中小企業所能控制的變因上,是故,有些外部影響因素,諸如像是政府政策等,其雖與真實世界之系統動態有所關連,但由於其範圍過於廣泛,故將其排除在本研究範疇之外。最後,本研究所建構的服務創新衡量機制,其乃針對中小企業中的製造業所建構、發展而成,為求此服務創新衡量機制更加多元化,能多方應用於各產業之中,本研究建議後續研究學者,能依據不同產業的營運環境,建構出符合其營運環境的服務創新機制,以此提升不同產業的服務創新導入成效。


Small and medium enterprises play an important role to influence the economy development of Taiwan. Small and medium enterprises which traditionally focus on the manufacture in Taiwan pay attention to the product manufacturing process. However, small and medium enterprises do not understand the importance of services which difficultly lead customers to increase values. Besides, the trend of the globalization enables enterprises to face the serious challenge of the global competitors and the huge decrease of the customers in the market. Hence, small and medium enterprises gradually understand the importance of services and attempt to implement enterprise transformation in order to deal with the proposed challenges and difficulties. When small and medium enterprises focus on the service businesses, service innovation can lead them to create valuable merits, increase the competence and business performances. Service innovation is regarded as the key to maintain the long term sustainability. This study aims to interview several senior managers of small and medium enterprises that are implementing enterprise transformation. The interview results show that the key problems of small and medium enterprises include profits decreasing, cost increasing and market competing. This study tries to build a causal loop diagram to represent the three problems for small and medium enterprises based on system dynamics. This study can explore the relations and the influences among these problems to model the stock and flow diagram for experiment one. The stock and flow diagram can effectively reveal the variations and the trends of profits decreasing, cost increasing and market competing. The simulation results are to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed model and are similar to the real historical data. Furthermore, in order to deal with the proposed problems, small and medium enterprises attempt to implement service innovation to increase business values and performances. This study adopts resource-based theory and the perspective of service innovation to build the other causal loop diagram to show the influences of service innovation for small and medium enterprises based on system dynamics. This study can explore the relations and the factors of service innovation to model the other stock and flow diagram for experiment two. This stock and flow diagram is to examine the levels of existing resources influencing service innovation and to be a systematic service innovation measurement mechanism. The simulation results show that applying proper resources can increase the success of service innovation. That is, customer orientation, competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination resources can raise the adjustability ability to the market. Knowledge acquisition, knowledge dissemination and knowledge responsiveness resources can increase the ability of applying knowledge. Collaboration, customer participation and partner expertise resources can increase the ability of collaboration. Information technology facilities and information technology experiences resources can raise the ability of applying information technology. The four abilities can achieve the success of service innovation for small and medium enterprises. The research findings can be detailed as follows: 1) small and medium enterprises have to apply service innovation to overcome the difficulties of profits decreasing, cost increasing and market competing 2) this study aims to explore and examine the key factors and problems to build a service innovation measurement mechanism 3) implementing service innovation can lead small and medium enterprises to acquire the profits and the competitive advantages 4) small and medium enterprises can increase the business profits by applying service innovation even though the cost for service innovation is high. There are several research limitations. This study focuses on the key factors that really cause the difficulties and influence and the success of service innovation for small and medium enterprises. Hence, this study has to select the important factors influencing small and medium enterprises and ignore the external factors (e.g., government policies or natural disasters) to define the research boundary. This study is to build the service innovation measurement mechanism by applying small and medium enterprises. Further researchers can continuously design appropriate models for measuring service innovation in different fields.


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