  • 學位論文


An EEG Study of the Perceived Playfulness in Playing App Game with Different Popularity

指導教授 : 吳錦波


現今智慧型手機和平板電腦的普及化,行動上網及玩遊戲已成為我們生活不可或缺的一環;認知玩興可定義為個體上有多大程度的「專注」、「好奇心」及「享受」三個維度,目前認知玩興的研究相當廣泛;腦波的研究屬於認知神經科學領域,透過腦波儀、功能性核磁共振造影(fMRI)等儀器,紀錄其腦波之變化;本研究利用腦波儀器對使用者使用App遊戲時進行腦波之測量,並在實驗後填寫認知玩興量表,以了解腦波產生之變化及其活動情形,希望進一步了解App遊戲對於大腦之影響,在未來提供App遊戲設計有更深入的幫助。 本研究使用實驗法,利用腦波儀測量使用者使用App遊戲的腦波差異,與認知玩興加以分析。研究結果發現,在「不同暢銷程度」方面,暢銷程度較高的遊戲其大腦β波會高於暢銷程度較低的遊戲,在認知玩興的專注部分,暢銷程度較高的遊戲其專注也較高;在「經驗」方面,有經驗者其大腦β波會高於無經驗者,在認知玩興的專注部分,有經驗者其專注高於無經驗者。


App 遊戲 認知玩興 腦波


Nowadays, with the popularity of smartphones and tablets, surfing Internet and playing mobile games have become an indispensable part of our life. Perceived Playfulness can be defined in three dimension as concentration, curiosity, and enjoyment. Perceived playfulness has currently been applied in a wide range of research. NeuroIS is a subfield of Information system research using tools such as electroencephalograph (EEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), among others to record user’s brain-wave changes. This study is to understand user’s behavior through the use of electroencephalograph to detect user’s brain waves while playing App games. Self-report on perceived playfulness is also administered to users after playing the game to understand the impacts of user’s perceived playfulness on the user’s attitude towards playing App games. It is expected to have a better understanding of physiological and psychological measurements and to provide guidelines for App game design in the future. This research employs laboratory experiment to examine the differences in brain waves measured with the EEG and with perceived playfulness scale. The results show that the more popular of an App game, the higher the brain waves. Subjects with different experiences in playing mobile have also resulted in different waves. Experienced users have significantly higher wave than less inexperienced users.


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