  • 學位論文

博物館文物解說詞之可譯性限度 -「中國書法字體」以西班牙文翻譯為例

The Limits of Translatability of Museum’s Collection Explanation – an example of Spanish Calligraphy translation

指導教授 : 吳寬 黃翠玲


談到中華文化,多數西方讀者會聯想到中國書法。書法形式美的表現以及神秘的中國內涵對於西方世界具有獨特吸引力,國立師範大學國語教學中心甚至是將「書法」列為文化課程的選修課程之一,足見外國人士對於中國書法的濃厚興趣。而對於欲了解漢語文化的西方遊客來說,「博物館」絕對是一條重要的學習管道,它自身凝聚著文化,也傳播著文化。本文希望借於質化研究的方式,研究博物館翻譯解說詞之書法名稱翻譯,希望借由科學的研究方示,歸納、整理出最能為目的語讀者接受的翻譯方法,讓漢語文化能更精準的傳遞至西方世界中。 本論文採質化研究的方式,運用單一個案分析法為主要研究方法。先採文獻資料分析法及訪談研究法做探索性研究,再以「問卷調查法」做驗證性研究,最後進行分析與討論。第一章節為緒論;第二章以文獻探討方式定義博物館解說詞之目的及定義,接下來探討中國五大書法的歷史源由及現有之書法譯名,最後針對可譯性限度做討論,並整理面對文化不可譯問題時,可採取的翻譯方法;第三章為研究設計,闡述本論文研究脈絡;第四章為深度訪談,訪問本文研究對象之一《遇見新故宮》譯者-雷孟篤教授,以第二章文獻研究為訪問基礎,與教授討論適當的書法翻譯方法;第五章以第二章及第四章為基礎設計問卷,並邀請十六位西語系人士填答,並歸納、分析現有書法譯名可能存在之問題,並提出最佳翻譯方法。第六章為結論,闡述研究結果及後續研究建議。


Refer to Chinese culture, most western readers will associate it with calligraphy. For those foreigners, the aesthetic sense and the mysterious Chinese cultivation are the most attractive part Chinese calligraphy has. National Taiwan Normal University Mandarin Training Center even arrange “calligraphy ” to one of subjects of culture course. As for those tourists who eager to know Chinese culture, “museum”, a place which condense its nation’s culture, and spread it at the same time, is absolutely an idea way to learn Chinese culture. We hope can find out the idea calligraphy translation method through collecting existing Spanish calligraphy translation of museum’s collection explanation, and can spread Chinese culture to Western precisely. The main method of this thesis is qualitative study and single case study. At the first step of the study, we select document analysis and in-depth interview as exploratory research; then, we adopt questionnaire survey as the confirmatory research; finally, base on the above-mentioned, we find an idea translation method and arrive a conclusion. The first chapter is Introduction ; the second chapter is document analysis. We discuss the purpose and definition of museum’s collection explanation, Chinese calligraphy’s history, existing Spanish calligraphy translation, and the theory of untranslatability. Through the foregoing analysis, we find out the proper translation method when dealing with the culture untranslatable problems; Chapter 3 is Research Design, describing the frame of the thesis; Chapter 4 is In-Depth Interview, we had a interview with Jose Ramon Alvarez, the emeritus professor of Fu-Jen University and the translator of Visite el Nuevo Museo Nacional del Palacio, and had a discussion of the proper translation method about calligraphy. Chapter 5 is questionnaire survey, in this part, we design a questionnaire based on chapter 2 and 4, and invited 16 Hipanics to fill in. Our purpose is ,through the questionnaire, finding the problem of existing Spanish Calligraphy translation and got the idea translation method. Chapter 6 is Conclusion, describing study result and the Following research suggestion.


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