  • 學位論文


Applying HOLSAT and RLOS to evaluate tourist satisfaction – using Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area as case study

指導教授 : 許超澤


隨著政府推動觀光政策及國人休閒遊憩需求轉變,台灣地區觀光遊憩活動需求量日益增加。熱門觀光景點在龐大的旅遊人口的造訪下,承受相當大的負面衝擊,非但造成觀光品質下降、亦降低遊客的遊憩體驗及再遊意願。故在有限的資源下,如何有效控管觀光遊憩區遊憩品質,進而針對不足之處,進行遊客遊憩滿意度提升,實為觀光遊憩地區經營管理之重要課題。 以往關於遊憩區遊憩品質與遊客滿意度的研究,大多視遊憩區為單一個體,且多採用SERVQUAL、SERVPERF或IPA分析法來探討遊憩服務品質,忽略了遊憩區中個別景點的差異性,及民眾造訪個別景點的行前期望差異。因此,本研究嘗試提出一個階段式分析架構,以日月潭國家風景區作為實證分析對象,同時對遊憩區內多個景點進行評估,探討遊客基本資料、旅遊特性、行前期望、實際體驗與遊客滿意度之間的關係與差異。首先運用假期滿意度模式(HOLSAT)進行個別景點遊客滿意度分析,進一步結合景點遊憩服務水準(RLOS)同時針對水社碼頭、伊達邵碼頭及文武廟等三個日月潭主要景點進行量化評估,呈現各景點不同面向之可接受服務水準範圍,並加以比較其差異性,進一步確認不同景點之遊憩服務品質現況。 研究分析結果發現,日月潭三個景點的遊客遊憩感受,大多呈現「行前期望」高於「實際體驗」之情形,表示各景點服務品質尚未能達到遊客期望,其中以各景點之「地方特色餐飲」、「餐飲住宿服務品質」、「衛生設施維護」、「遊憩設施維護」、「安全設施維護」及「交通指標系統」有加強改善之必要。潭區內三大景點之遊憩服務水準,以文武廟較高於水社碼頭及伊達邵碼頭。因此,本研究建議管理單位,應優先改善伊達邵碼頭及水社碼頭,針對伊達邵碼頭改善「景點及商圈遊憩品質」、「遊憩設施安全性」及「感受接近與體驗大自然」,針對水社碼頭改善「景點及商圈遊憩品質」及「感受接近與體驗大自然」,以有效提升遊憩品質。


The increasing demand in leisure and recreational activities in Taiwan has led to a large number of visitors to popular tourism attractions during vacation period of time. The negative impacts associated with the great deal of visitors not only decrease the service quality of tourism attractions and the level of visitor satisfaction but also decrease the willingness of re-visitation. Therefore, maintaining the service quality of tourism attraction and enhancing tourist satisfaction have become critical issues for visitor attraction management. The research scope of the majority of tourism service quality research has primarily focused on a whole tourism attraction area applying SERVQUAL, SERVPERF, or IPA methods. The tourist expectations for different scenic spots within an area are rarely taken into account. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present an analytical framework for analyzing the level of tourist satisfaction in different scenic spots simultaneously, using the Sun Moon Lake scenic areas as case study. First, the HOLSAT model is applied to evaluate tourist satisfaction for the three major scenic spots. There are Shuei-She Wharf, Ita-Thao Wharf, and Wen-Wu Temple. Further, RLOS model is applied to evaluate the various dimensions of level of service providing more useful service quality information. The results reveal that the actual experience of the majority tourists is lower than their expectation. The comparison of the level of service shows that Wen-Wu Temple is better than Shuei-She Wharf and Ita-ThaoWharf. It is important for Shuei-She Wharf to improve "the quality of recreational attractions and shopping district" and "experiencing nature." In addition, it is critical for Ita-ThaoWharf to improve "the quality of recreational attractions and shopping district", "experiencing nature", and "safety of recreational facilities."


Expectation Experience Tourist satisfaction HOLSAT RLOS


郭瑞坤 (1994),遊憩體驗與相關環境屬性之動態評估方法,戶外遊憩研究,7(2),37-56。
