  • 學位論文


A Study of Dynamic Transportation Network Performance under Multiple ISP Environment

指導教授 : 董啟崇


先進旅行者資訊系統(ATIS),為智慧型運輸系統(Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITS)下的一個子系統,主要功能為提供即時交通資訊給用路者,其資訊包括即時道路狀況、預測旅行時間等並產生路徑導引服務功能。若以整體的資訊架構而言,交通資訊的發佈牽涉到三方面的綜合交互關聯:交通資訊提供者、交通資訊的使用者,以及交通資訊內涵等對路網所造成的影響。但甚少研究認知並探討如此全面性的課題。 本研究主要目的在檢視同一交通路網區域中模擬多重交通資訊提供者(Multiple Information Service Providers, Multi-ISP)在非合作的模式下各提供不同資訊策略所導致的路網績效與路徑導引結果,最終目的是期望能歸納出路網狀態之趨勢以及路網績效與導引策略的關係。本研究重點在於構建資訊於路網中所產生的整體架構,並探討資訊導引嵌入多重交通資訊提供者的導引策略及用路人接受資訊後對路徑選擇行為之反應所產生的路網交通狀態。本研究經由綜合考量各項因素為實驗設計基礎,以台北至新竹之城際路網為範圍運用動態模擬平台進行一系列動態模擬實驗來觀察分析整體的路網交通狀態與績效表現。 本研究將資訊滲透率、市場佔有率及用路者遵循率三個重要因素納為實驗因子,設計36個實驗情境組合,並以DynaTAIWAN模擬指派軟體執行動態模擬實驗,觀察不同情境對路網狀態之影響。本研究彙整動態模擬實驗所產生之整體平均與依時性之路網績效,經分析結果可得知,於多ISP同時存在之路網環境,在少數家ISP合佔有大部分市場時之整體路網績效表現可為最佳亦可為最差,且其變異最大,顯示在此狀態下,其平均旅行時間隨滲透率與遵循率變化衍生較大差異。均衡市佔率的情況下之變異數最小,亦即此交通資訊導引市佔分配下之表現較穩定。 進一步分析各ISP用路者之績效,若滲透率高但遵循率低的情況下,市佔率較大的ISP在路網中並無明顯優勢。在少數家佔有市場情境中,共同分佔較大市場的ISP其用路者績效明顯優於市佔率低者,其他市佔率較小的ISP則在提昇市佔率形成均衡市場情境時之用路者績效可達最佳。亦即路網中多ISP提供路徑導引資訊分佔比率越平均,而其用路者大致皆能達到較佳且較平均之績效。


The main function of Advanced Traffic Information System (ATIS), as a subsystem of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is to provide real time or in-time traffic related information such as road condition, travel time information, to the subscribed road users or travelers, in particular the route guidance. The effectiveness of such system must rely on an overall construct of integrated framework under which complex interactions among the Information Providers, Road Users, and Information can be identified and recognized. However, very few studies recognized and handled this issue comprehensively. It is therefore the main focus of this proposed study to establish an integrated framework and to explore/evaluate the overall and specific network performance under more realistic multiple Information Service Provider (Multi-ISP) context. This study is in the non-cooperative scenario, where ISPs are assumed to act along with their own information provisions for route guidance strategy. A series of dynamic simulation experiments were performed on a selected real inter-city highway network by proper experiment design. Various level settings of traffic information penetration, ISP market share, and road users’ compliance rate in response to routing guidance formed 36 simulation experiment scenarios. And the associated dynamic simulations were conducted with a modified version of the simulation platform known as DynaTAIWAN. Average travel time was generated to be performance measure to evaluate overall network performance as well as users (hypothetically) receiving services to each ISP. Relationship between various combinations of ISP guidance markets and network performance were analyzed accordingly. The findings were that performance could be at either highest or lowest extreme when the most of the traffic information market shared by few ISPs under multi-ISP environment, exhibiting highest travel time variations with respect to various levels of information penetration and user compliance combinations. On the other hand, the variations were the lowest if ISPs shared the market equally. It may imply that under such equally-shared market scenario, the overall performance tend to be more stable, exhibiting less fluctuations across different combinations of information penetration and user compliance rate. Further analysis differentiated performance of different ISPs with various market share characteristics evaluated by the aggregately average travel times of users receiving guidance service respectively. High-share ISPs seemed to be benefited with better performance by dominance. Interestingly, the performance of singly-dominated ISP was slightly lower then that of its own when co-dominated the market with another ISP. And when the market was shaped toward equally shared, all ISPs enjoyed adequately good performance at medium to high levels of information penetration and user compliance.


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