  • 學位論文


Prediction of Consumers’ Return Visit and Repurchase Rates Using a Time Factor

指導教授 : 蔣璿東




Consumer market has several characteristics in common such as revisit over the relevant time frame, a large number of customers, and a wealth of information detailing past customer purchases. Analyzing the characterizations and temporal dependencies of purchase behaviors is crucial for the enterprise to survive in a continuously changing environment. The internet advertising revenues and the commodity sales play an import role in the earning origin of e-commerce. Therefore, monitoring the members’ browse and purchase records has become emphasized for the prediction of the advertisement. Effective advertising requires predicting how a user responds to effective advertising requires targeting (presenting the ad) in ways that reflect these users’ preferences. The behavioral target leverages historical users’ behaviors in order to select the ads which are most related to the users to display. Although we would not like to provide advertisements to customers, with the same concept, we would expect to predict return visit and repurchase rates for the registered members. However, customers’ preferences change over time. In order to capture the concept drift, we propose a novel and simple time function to increase/decrease the weight of the old data to various members’ past behaviors. In this research, we will develop a basic model for predicting the customers’ return visit and repurchase rates. The basic model can appropriately modified for the different applications (prediction for the customers’ return visit or repurchase rates) Our achievement can be used to assist the marketers to target the members with high return visit (repurchase) rates and design corresponding marketing strategies.


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張懿緯(2014)。推薦系統應用於Email Flyers的商品選擇 以生鮮超市為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00434
