  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on The Backflow and Repurchase of Maturity or Refund Benefit Payment in Life Insurance -Taking S Company as An Example

指導教授 : 郝充仁 李雅婷


我國自1994年台灣保險市場全面開放後,國內壽險業便處於空前的競爭環境。若要在市場上佔有一席之地,建立持久的競爭優勢,除了開拓新顧客外,與舊有顧客維持長久的關係,就成為各方注目的焦點。從公會的統計數字得知近五來年我國的壽險業保費收入成長65.5%,而保險給付成長的幅度更快,達121.4%,保險給付成長的速度是保費收入成長速度的將近2倍。因此,對於壽險業而言,面臨現今如此競爭激烈的市場環境,再加上今年的全球性金融海嘯風波尚未平息,如何了解客戶的需求,並與顧客維繫良好的關係,以使得顧客願意將其領取之滿期金亦或是生存還本金回流再次購買公司的壽險商品,以達到公司永續經營之目的,便是一個十分重要的議題。 本研究是以S公司為研究對象,利用S公司現有之有效契約資料庫,撈取一段時間且符合假設條件之目標保件,運用統計方法,建立一個結合多個變數構成的模式,實證探討S公司壽險滿期金及生存還本金回流再購狀況,並得出結論以及提出如何提高滿期金及生存還本金回流率的具體建議,為本研究之目的。


The life insurance market have been in unprecedentedly competitive circumstances since the life insurance market was opened up fully in 1994 in Taiwan.In addition to expending new customers, an insurance company has to maintain long relationship with their old customers if it would like to possess a position and build up the permanently competitve advantage in life insurance market. From statistics of LIAROC, we learned that the premium income of life insurance increased 65.5%, but the insurance payment increased 121.4% in Taiwan. The premium income increased faster 2 times than the insurance payment did. Therefore, to life insurance companies,facing such competitive circumstances and the aftermath of the global financial tsunami,it is a very important issue to understand customer’s need, keep good relation with them, make them willing to repurchase products using their maturity or refund benefit payment, and then reach the goal of sustainable operation. In this thesis, we sifted data during a period of time that met our assumptions from on hand database of insurance contracts of S company, applied statistics methods, established a model that conneting plenty of variables, and empirically studied the backflow and repurchase status of S company. At last, gained the conclusions and addressed the concrete suggestions of improving the backflow and repurchase ratio. That’s the final purpose of this thesis.


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