  • 學位論文

桎梏、覺醒 ── 蕭颯小說中女性意識之研究

A Study Of Woman Awareness Xiao Sa’s Novels

指導教授 : 呂正惠
共同指導教授 : 蘇敏逸


八十年代的臺灣女性作家群裡,蕭颯的創作成績是相當斐然,並且,在臺灣文學史上也自有其不容忽視的重要地位。蕭颯的創作態度向來是嚴謹且認真,對社會的發展變遷具有高度的敏銳性,秉持著對寫作根深蒂固的痴迷、執著,對自我不斷期許要求,她的作品善於描述各類女性形象,主要著墨的重點多以女性在愛情、婚姻和家庭遭遇到的問題為創作題材,寫實且深刻。且在透過揭露父權體制下「重男輕女」、「男尊女卑」的錯誤思想,更直接指出女性其實也是父權體制的幫兇,利用「女性」關係的陳述,突顯女性意識的增長。 在政治、社會、文化變遷機制中,當女性背負著舊時代傳統的包袱,行走在新文化道路上時,兩性及青少年家庭關係中產生了諸多難解的習題、面對前所未有的困境與挑戰。蕭颯利用作家的身分,將自身的人格特質蘊涵於小說中,故事中的女性不再以男性和家庭為終身之依靠,她們看盡了舊一輩的女性在婚姻中的無奈與折磨,在新舊夾縫中奮力掙扎,希望透過教育啟發、前人經驗傳承,努力的開拓屬於女性的一片天,進而開發女性意識,追求人格精神的獨立自主。並且透過婚姻變奏的情節,演繹女性救贖與成長的方式,闡述新女性的出路,鋪陳出女性成長的歷程。 蕭颯小說當中展現出多重樣貌的女性及青少年形象,充分表現了她塑造人物的高超藝術手法。筆者希望在本論文的研究當中能以蕭颯作品中的女性意識作為主軸,延伸身為教師其所關注的青少年之議題,藉由此研究希望能呈現出小說所探討更多元化的人性,透過女性不斷地省思、剖析,除了加強女性的成長,並且提醒社會要重視青少年缺乏關懷之面向等,表達出非凡的意義,凸顯蕭颯小說是成為社會演變的重要象徵。


Xiao Sa’s, one of the most important female writers in the 80’s, is highly positioned in the history of Taiwanese literature by her undeniable creativity and massive publications.Her mottos is always persistent, truthful, and reflective. Most of her productions present women’s roles in current society via their stories of love, marriage, and family.Xiao Sa’s interest interpreting the male chauvinism also helps the women understand the conflictive relations in the male dominated world that lead to the growth of their confidence. The tremendous challenge a woman faces among the husband, youngsters, and household is complicated by the traditional role of wife and economic role of new culture. It extends out of the house and spreads into the political, social, and cultural mechanisms.As a novelist, she was behind many of the stories that clearly convey her unique personality and views of a modern woman. They no longer hold on to their families and male partners as they realize the frustration and abusive life from their mothers and peers. To survive in the gaps of this dilemma they opened up their own worlds through self-education, inherited experience, and relentless efforts that rewarded themselves with self -consciousness and independence. Presented in the scenarios where women experienced bad marriage and relationships it also sheds the lights and leads them to new life and growth in new journeys. Xiao Sa’s artistic skills constructing so many faces of the young females and males are well recognized as the author takes advantage of the roles for topics related to female self-consciousness and teenager crisis. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to show the portraits of the humanity by consistent thinking, analysis, and care that hopefully awake the society’s ignorance of teenager issues as a teacher. Hsiao’s novels, mostly in women’s view, really are the significance icons of this changing society.




