  • 學位論文


A Study on the Implementation of the Certification of International Safe Schools for Elementary Schools in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 吳明清


論文名稱:新北市國民小學推動國際安全學校認證之研究 頁數:173 校系(所)組別:淡江大學教育政策與領導研究所在職專班 教育政策與領導 研究所在職專班 畢業時間及提要別:100學年度第2學期碩士學位論文提要 研究生:郭燉論 指導教授: 吳明清博士 論文提要內容: 本研究採文件分析與深度訪談,探討新北市三所推動國際安全學校認證的國民小學參加認證的執行狀況、成效與困境,以及因應的改善策略。訪談對象包括三所國小之校長、行政人員、教師、護理師暨社區代表。根據訪談與文件分析,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、學校推動國際安全學校認證的執行狀況良好 各校均成立安全學校推動委員會,各項政策規劃均由學校及社區代表共同討論:包括以42項指標矩陣檢核學校的安全現況、訂定短、中、長期計畫,記錄及分析學生傷病資料,擬訂單一推動議題,依據3E推動策略擬定行動計畫,訂定評價指標以評估計畫執行過程及改變效果並持續參與相關活動。 二、學校推動國際安全學校認證展現具體執行成效 各校推動委員會的運作良好,學校能主動與社區相關單位密切聯繫,在資源整合上展現亮麗的成果,並能針對高危險群及最容易發生事故傷害的環境做為為首要推動及改善的目標。 三、學校推動國際安全學校認證在政策面及執行面仍有困境 三所學校推動「國際安全學校認證」無論在政策面、或執行面上仍各有困境:包括單一議題的擬定、教育宣導不易落實、登錄系統仍待整合、忽視心理層面的探討、諮詢輔導的時間太少、獎勵制度不夠完備、經費補助仍然不足等。 四、學校推動國際安全學校認證的改善策略多元務實 學校針對困境的改善策略包括:爭取民眾認同善用社會資源、掌控危險因子及時修繕維護、簡化電腦登錄統一製作表格、強化教育宣導提昇安全意識、建立輔導系統適時激勵獎賞、爭取經費補助確保校園安全、擬定評價機制積極參與活動。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提出具體建議,以供主管教育行政機關及國民小學推動國際安全學校認證之參考。 關鍵詞:國際安全學校、國際安全學校認證 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM030-01


Title of Thesis:A Study on the Implementation of the Certification of International Safe Schools for Elementary Schools in New Taipei City Key word:International Safe Schools, International Safe Schools Certification Name of Institute:Executive Master’s Program in Educational Policy and Leadership , Tamkang University Graduate date:June, 2012 Degree Conferred:M. Ed. Name of student:Kuo , Dun-Lun Advisor:Wu, Ming-Ching 郭燉論 吳明清 Abstract: This study, by using document analysis and in-depth interview, tried to analyzed how three elementary schools in New Taipei City participating and implementing the International Safe Schools Certification in terms of their execution, effects, problems and strategies for improvement. Data were collected from the interview with school principals, school administrators, school teachers and community representatives. Main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The execution of implementing International Safe Schools Certification worked well for all three schools. Each school had its committee for project planning and implementation, as well as action monitoring and effect evaluation. 2. All three schools had showed significant effects of the implementation of International Safe Schools Certification on school environment safety and community relations. 3. All three schools faced various difficulties and problems for the implementation of the Safe Schools Certification both in policy and execution , including setting up single issue, failing to advocate, confusion of sign-on system, neglecting of psychological truth, limited time of consultation, ineffective awarding system, short of supporting fund. 4. All three schools had set up strategies for improvement to overcome difficulties and problems, including making good use of social resources, having control over all the endanger factors and have them quick fixed., simplifying the sign-on system and making unified forms, reinforcing advocating education and elevating the awareness of safety, building up consulting system and rewarding in time, gaining enough supporting fund and making sure of the safety of school environment, studying out evaluating system and eagerly participating activities. Based on the above findings, this study proposed some suggestions for Educational administrative officers and elementary schools for the participation and implementation of the International Safe Schools Certification.


蔡佩娟 (2011)。臺北市國民小學推動國際安全學校之執行成效研究。國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系碩士論文,未出版,臺北市。
WHO Collaborating Centre on Community Safety Promotion(2003)International Safe
