  • 學位論文


A Study of Advertising Effect for Consisitency between Endorser and Brand in Micro-movies

指導教授 : 李月華 趙慕芬


微電影採用拍攝電影的手法,加入代言人和故事劇情,向消費者傳達品牌理念或是產品性能,誘使消費者對微電影產生興趣,進而認識該品牌。雖然微電影的拍攝手法與電影相近,但電影屬於品牌�產品置入的形式,微電影則屬於廣告的形式。微電影利用故事劇情的手法,讓消費者融入劇情,對品牌�產品產生偏好。先前研究大多以廣告類型對消費者造成的廣告效果的研究居多,但尚未包含微電影,且微電影是目前熱門的傳播媒介之一。故本研究欲探討微電影中的代言人與品牌間的配置性與聯想網絡對消費者產生的廣告效果,期望找出微電影吸引消費者可採用之方式。 本研究將曾經在YouTube網站上觀看過微電影的淡江大學學生列為主要調查對象,採用紙本問卷與網路問卷─Google問卷網站收集資料,分別探討象徵性品牌與功能性品牌微電影中品牌與代言人配置性、聯想網絡對消費者產生的廣告效果,回收樣本共計323份。 回收樣本經迴歸分析結果顯示,品牌概念與品牌個性和代言人的形象與個性間的一致性將影響消費者對微電影的感受訊息強度、品牌辨識與品牌回憶等廣告效果,品牌與代言人間配置性若不一致,消費者無法將對代言人的形象和個性移轉至品牌,亦無法對品牌產生正確的品牌辨識與品牌回憶。聯想網絡即使讓消費者有感受訊息強度,受限於微電影的特性,不一定能提高品牌辨識與品牌回憶。研究結果可提供行銷企劃人員從事品牌宣傳時的參考。


Micro-movies surveys brand concept or properties of product that use techniques of making movies, including an endorser and stories, to attempt to make customers interested in Micro-movies and know the brand. Making Micro-movies is similar to making movies; however, movies are part of product-placement form, while Micro-movies are part of advertising. Micro-movies use stories to let customers blend into the plot of a play and pay attention to brand or products. The previous research mainly focuses on the type of advertising, but doesn’t include Micro-movies. Nowadays, Micro-movie is one kind of the popular mass media. The research of Micro-movies mainly focuses on how much the advertising effect is affected by the consistency between endorser and brand. We select students of Tamkang University who have seen the Micro-movies on Youtube to be the samples of this study, and we use paper questionnaires and online Google surveys to get the data that this study needs. We explore advertising effect by the consistency between endorser and brand; and Micro-movie’s advertising effect by the associative networks in symbolic brands, and symbolic and function brand concept. The number of valid samples is 323. The result shows that the advertising effect in Micro-movies will be affected by the consistency between brand concept and endorser image, and the consistency between brand personality and endorser personality. If endorser and brand was inconsistent, customers wouldn’t transform endorser image and endorser personality to brand; moreover, customers wouldn’t have correct brand recognition and brand recall. Since the limit of Micro-movies, even if associative networks intrigue the perception message intensity of customers, it doesn’t necessarily represent correct brand recognition and brand recall can be enhanced. The result of this study can provide suggestions for marketing staffs who engage in the brand promotion.


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