  • 學位論文


Overseas Adjustment for Foreign White Color Workers in Taiwan - Examplified by overseas railway dispatching company

指導教授 : 黃國隆


在企業全球化的趨勢下,人才的跨國移動也愈頻繁,是否也因此帶動整個總體經濟的發展,及企業績效之改善 ?但是否也會演變成當地人才與外籍人才之競爭?及因外籍人才的海外適應問題是否也會影響企業用才因人力流動率之考量?以及公司人力成本的考量?因此國際化公司對於用才的政策也為此將之纳入考量,這些都是值得探討的課題。 在台的外籍勞工大部分為較台灣經濟更為落後之國家之外籍引進,如泰勞,印勞。而本研究更深入探討外籍專業人才之海外適應,有鑒於近年來高鐵等重大國家建設,需借重於外籍專業人才,也因此愈來愈多的人才在台灣產生一些適應上的問題。而本研究就此,乃就外籍專業人才在台軌道運輸業中,研究其海外適應。 就此,本研究以個案公司外商軌道運輸業跨國勞動派遣業為例,以在台灣參與軌道運輸業營運之著名外商公司經理人為研究對象,接受深度訪談之台軌道運輸業經理人,共10人,其中有4個澳洲人、2個英國人、1個南非人、1個挪威人、1個加拿大人、1個菲律賓人。本研究以深度訪談及量表的方式,收集研究對象的情緒智力、社會資本與國家文化差異適應等反應資料。在研究的過程中,受訪者剛開始排斥的心態相當嚴重,不願意被打擾並覺得此訪問沒經濟上效益,但經由研究者親自以循序漸進的方式,才誘導受訪者說出真實的感受與看法。深度訪談之特點是樣本數較少,但是較能夠得到受訪者深入的意見或是詳細的說明,對受訪者非言語上的反應,例如肢體語言或表達方式能由近距離進行詳細的觀察,而且可以得到第一手豐富的資料。研究者在訪問日期前約一星期,先發送訪談問卷給各可能受訪者,讓受訪者可以有較充分時間先過目將被詢問的內容。所得之結果為: 1. 國家文化差異對外籍專業人才的海外適應無顯著影響。 2. 情緒智力對大部份外籍專業人才的海外適應具有正向影響。 3. 社會資本對外籍專業人才的海外適應具有正向影響。 本研究亦對研究意涵及建議提出討論,希望從甄選條件、政策作為等方面來提升外籍人才對企業的整體成效。


International labor movement has been inevitable under the globalization trend. And it also leads the development of entire macroeconomics and improvement of enterprise’s performance? Or it turns the competition between local workers and overseas workers? Or the overseas adjustment for foreign workers will affect the enterprise consideration of the rate of flow? Or the consideration of company labor cost ? Therefore, the international company consider all of these to their human resource policy. And all of these are the important issues for discussing. Majority of foreign workers in Taiwan come from the countries more backward, like as from Tailand and India. This research differs from the others is to investigate the overseas adjustments for white color foreign workers in Taiwan railway dispatching industries .In view of the fact that the recent years, big national constructions as Taiwan High Speed Railway, more overseas professional workers we need, more overseas adjustments issues happen . This research is to study the overseas adjustments for the white color foreigners in railway industries. Thus, this study use one railway company as an example, and the white color foreigners who work for , use the interview process , total are 10 persons , 4 Australians , 2 Britishs , 1 South African, 1 Norwegian , 1 Canadian, I Filipino. This research is by interview and questionnaires , collect the Q & A from four variables: national cultural distance, emotional intelligence and social capital to analyze the data and detect hypotheses. In the research process, the participants have had repelled and were not willing to be disturbed , but after persuading step by step, they began to tell their real feeling. One week before Q & A, the interviewer has to send the questionnaires to each possible participants to let them have time to glance the contents which inquired. The results are as follow: 1、 There was no significantly effect of national cultural distance on oversea adjustment of foreign workers. 2、 There were most significantly positive effects of motional intelligence on overseas adjustment of foreign workers. 3、 There were most significantly positive effects of social capital dimensions on overseas adjustment of foreign workers from different nationality. Furthermore, the present study suggested the emphases on selection, training, and policies exercising to promote benefits while introducing foreign workers into our country.


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