  • 學位論文


A Dynamic Tracking Mechanism for Mobile Target in Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Networks

指導教授 : 王英宏


無線感測器網路(Wireless Sensor Networks ,WSNs)大部分是由資料收集節點(sink)和許多的感測器節點(sensor nodes) 所組成的網路,其組合可以覆蓋一個廣大區域範圍稱為感測範圍,在此範圍內進行監測與無線通訊,其中感測器節點的特性是低成本、體積小且具有感測周遭事物的能力、資料處理的能力以及無線通訊的能力。感測範圍中,感測器的佈點及使用上也是極其容易的,但由於這些優點卻也使得在使用上有所限制,例如:無線感測器網路整體效能(performance)和生命周期(life time) 都因感測器本身電量的限制而有所顧慮。 在無線感測器網路應用中,對於移動目標物的追蹤議題,如何節省電量的消耗是一項極為重要的議題。又由於主要的省電方法本身是讓感測範圍內無目標物的節點進入睡眠狀態,而有目標物的節點進行感測並且搭配喚醒的機制,進而達到省電的目的。但若過多節點進入睡眠狀態,目標物很容易移動到只有睡眠狀態的節點,此時作用中的感測器節點感測不到目標物,使得目標物遺失,若重新尋找目標物會造成大成本的消耗電能,所以在省電之餘亦要顧到目標物追蹤的準確度。 本論文提出一個關於移動目標物追蹤的機制,利用群集的優點並且針對目標物遺失的可能性不同,而使用不同強度、耗電的演算法。這裡遺失的可能性是針對目標物的加速度,在不同加速度下喚醒不同的節點數。讓目標物的遺失率大幅下降,使得整體的耗電量下降、效能提升。


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are consisting of sink and sensor nodes. They can cover a wide range that called sensing range. The sensor node can monitor this range and communicate with other sensor node. The quality of sensor node is low-cost, small volume. And it can sense environmental things, process information and communicate wirelessly. In sensing range, the dispose and use of sensor are very easy, but because these advantages make limit to use, for example, performance of wireless sensor networks and life time limit because of limited energy of sensor itself. In WSNs how save energy for target tracking is a important issue. The energy-saving method is to make nodes sleep that do not have targets, and nodes having targets process sensing with awaking scheme can save energy. If nodes enter sleep state too much, targets easily move in sleeping nodes. There are no targets which sensor nodes sense, resulting in losing targets. Finding these losing targets back would result in high-cost consuming energy, so it would notice accuracy of tracing targets when saving energy. In this proposal, it offers a scheme about trace of moving target. It use cluster and use algorithm of different strength and energy-consuming according to different possibility of losing targets. The possibility of lose is aimed to different acceleration of target and wake up different number of nodes. Lowering losing rate of target can own energy-saving and performance improve.


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