  • 學位論文


The Comparison of the Development of Software Industry in Taiwan and Mainland China:A Case Study of Software Park

指導教授 : 郭建中


中國大陸軟體產業發展較晚,在全球化及資訊化的趨勢下,使得軟體產業成為中國大陸國民經濟及社會發展之基礎性及戰略性地位之產業。在發展軟體產業政策目標下,促進青島產業有利條件約可分為3大類:一、就區域發展而言,青島位於環渤海經濟圈,為中國大陸北方及東南亞國際航運中心發展目標之港口城市。二、就既有成就而言,青島為中國名牌最多之城市,並位居山東省經濟龍頭地位。三、就前瞻性而言,青島為2008年北京奧運之協辦城市,再加上山東半島製造業資訊化的需求,青島軟體產業之市場需求急速擴增。 因此,本研究是以台灣及中國大陸國家級軟體園區為主要研究對象,並以青島及南港軟體園區為個案比較。其研究目的為透過探討兩岸軟體園區之政策環境現況,以期能歸納出國家級軟體園區各相關實施政策,對軟體產業之影響。藉以評估兩者間之差異。 研究結果顯示:中國大陸在計畫性經濟的策略性政策的扶持下,軟體產業近5年來,呈現快速成長。而台灣在市場經濟的環境中,也推動許多相關政策計畫,但呈平緩發展。台灣軟體產業發展較中國大陸為早,軟體技術及產品也較中國大陸成熟。兩岸在執行成效上,中國大陸在政府大力扶持及國內市場大量需求下,產值及成長率等皆呈倍數成長;而台灣則保持穩健平緩發展。因此,提高自主創新能力、優化產業結構及培養高科技專業人才,為兩岸軟體產業發展不可或缺之發展重點。在中國大陸持續追趕下,台灣應掌握自身技術能力,積極創新研發,持續加強主導性新產品之開發,提高企業CMMI認證層級,積極推廣自由軟體等,朝國際化發展,以保持產業優勢。


Under the trend of globalization and informationization, the development of software industry in Mainland China, which makes the software industry turn into the status as groundwork and tactic industry for China national economy and social development, is relatively late. Under the goal of strategy for software industry development, the advantages for promoting Qingdao industry can be divided into three categories. For the district development, Qingdao, which is the target port of North China and the navigation center of Southeast Asia, is located in the economic circle around the Bohai Sea. Second, for the present achievement, Qingdao is not only a city with most famous brands in China, but also a city in the leading economic position. For the foresighted, Qingdao is the co-organizer for Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. Moreover, for the requirement of the informationization for Qingdao manufacturing industry, market demand of Qingdao software is increasing rapidly. Therefore, this research focuses on the national software industrial parks in Taiwan and China, based on the case study for the comparison with software industrial parks in Qingdao and Nankang. The objective of this research is to generalize the impact of affiliated implementations of national software industrial parks on software industry via the analysis for current situation in cross-strait software industrial parks and evaluation for the differences. The research shows the rapid growth of China software industry in five years by strategic assistance of China economic plan while the slow development in Taiwan though numerous relative plans are implemented. The development of software industry in Taiwan is relatively earlier than that in China. Techniques and products of software in Taiwan are also more developed than those in China. For the result of enforcement, the output value and growth rate of China software industry has doubled based on the support of the China government and mass demand in domestic market while the development of software industry in Taiwan remains slow but stable. Therefore, the indispensable key points for cross-strait software industry development is to promote self innovative ability and to improve the structure of industry and develop professionals of high-technology. In the face of the competition of China, Taiwan should devote itself to the innovation and development actively with the technical ability to continue the enhancement of the leading new product development and boost the level of business CMMI certificate. Furthermore, Taiwan should also promote free software actively to remain the predominance of the industry and its international development.


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