  • 學位論文


The Spatial Connotations in Jacques Prevert's Poetry

指導教授 : 吳錫德


普雷維爾(Jacques Prevert)是法國二十世紀中期的詩人。本論文試圖透過其第一本著作,同時也是最著名的代表作:《話語集》(Paroles, 1946)中詩歌的空間分析,探討存在於詩人、讀者與詩作三者之間的空間意涵,以及深度了解普雷維爾詩作中的意象之美。 第一章「詩學與空間理論的連結」,從空間理論的角度著手,理解空間從古至今的演變過程以及中外詩學所認為之意象的差異性,藉此了解詩與空間二者的依存關係與意義。 第二章「普雷維爾創作背景與詩學空間」,以詩人普雷維爾為出發點,了解普雷維爾的創作風格與特色,並引用《話語集》中的舉例理解專屬於普雷維爾的詩學空間。 第三章「普雷維爾詩作中空間的意象美學」,本章引用法國哲學家巴舍拉(Gaston Bachelard)之著作:《空間詩學》(La poetique de l’espace)一書中的空間理論,探討普雷維爾《話語集》書中的三首代表詩作,藉以了解其詩作中空間的意象美學。


Jacques Prevert was a French poet in the middle of the twentieth century. This thesis aims to explore the significance of space suffusing poet, reader and poem in Jacques Prevert’s first and most renowned work, Paroles, published in 1946. In exploring significance of space in Paroles, it also focuses on the beauty of image in Prevert’s poems. In Chapter One, “The connection with the Poetics and Space Theory,” it mainly centers on the progress and the differences of imaginations between the oriental and occidental poetics in order to elucidate the relationship between and the significance of poetry and the space. In Chapter Two,“Prevert’s Creative Background and the Poetic Space,” it focuses on Prevert’s individual style of creation and characteristics based upon Prevert’s perspective. With the quotes cited from Paroles, I try to figure out the poetic space that only belongs to Prevert. In Chapter III, “The Image Aesthetics of Space in Prevert’s Poem,” I will cite the space theory from the book, La poetique de l’espace, written by Gaston Bachelard, a French philosipher, to analize the three representive works in Paroles to plumb the image aesthetics in those poems.


Bachelard, Gaston, La poetique de l’espace, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2005.
Boisdeffre, Pierre de, Anthologie de la poesie francaise : six siecles de poesie francaise de Francois Villon a Jacques Prevert, Monaco : Rocher, 2002.
Doisneau, Robert, Rue Jacques Prevert, Paris : Hoebeke, 1992.
