  • 學位論文


The spatial consumption of women : Au bonheur des dames

指導教授 : 吳錫德
共同指導教授 : Gilles Bonnet(Gilles Bonnet)


本論文以女性消費空間為主要研究核心,用左拉著作的《仕女樂園》為理論驗證。此論述探討的方向非常廣泛,包含了布希亞及塞杜和西蒙波娃幾位的哲學觀念。 本論文分成三大部分,首先筆者從消費空間-傳統小商店、玻璃拱廊街到百貨公司,各個消費空間不同時期的轉換,試著找出其影響的關鍵要素,並且試著探討消費空間裡型態與行為的改變,此節著重在布希亞的哲學思想,以他《消費空間》一書來討論。因此,第一章節筆者先以由歷史背景來輔助解說和分析消費空間的轉換;因工業革命發展成功,帶動了社會大眾消費型態的種種轉變,其中最具代表性的莫過於百貨公司的出現,標榜「在一個地方能將所有所需的物品一次性買齊,並且提供各種文化藝術相關活動展演」,改變了群眾的消費習慣及生活意識型態。 本論文的第二部分著重在空間和女性消費兩者之間錯綜模稜的關連性。百貨公司是個充滿各種階級、種族和傳統性別政治等衝突的真實世界,但因百貨公司糊化了室內室外疆界,自然延伸成一個無界線的公共空間,又因免費入場觀賞新奇、現代的商品,百貨公司也就濃縮成一個現代真實世界關鍵性公共空間的縮影。儘管百貨公司是城市消費的重要場域,但因為都市現代性長期以來的男性化建構,所以女性則囿於家庭而被排除於城市的公共空間,但在19 世紀末、20 世紀初的現代時期,隨著商品文化的蓬勃興盛,百貨公司炫目景觀後面的──買賣關係,則更是反映現代消費文化的根本運作原則,也是商品文化的最重要展示和消費空間。更因為女性不再需要男性的陪伴,就可出現在街頭享受消費和閒逛的樂趣。由此我們得知百貨公司作為女性公共出現的最重要目的地和動力,則成為女性體驗城市現代性、參與公共領域的重要場域。 第三部分為探討左拉的《婦女樂園》,世界文學上第一本描述關於百貨公司的作品。左拉的《婦女樂園》,內容是敘述百貨公司的開創時期和經營策略,這一現代消費社會下的產物,如何循環漸進改變了人們消費和性別意識的概念。並反向思考由想像到真實,探討左拉如何把對社會的觀察轉換成小說內容。


空間 消費 女性 仕女樂園 左拉 布希亞


This thesis studies the female consumer space as the main core, with the roman of Emile Zola "Au Bonheur des dames" for the theoretical verification. This paper discussed the direction is widely, including Jean Baudrillard and De Certeau and Simone de Beauvoir several philosophical concepts. This thesis is divided into three parts, the first part is about the consumer space – From the traditional small shops, glass arcade to the department store, various consumer space conversion in different periods. I try to identify the key elements of its influence, and try to explore the consumer space morphology and behavior change, this section focuses on the philosophy of Baudrillard, with his book " Consumer Society" . The second part of the thesis focuses on female consumers between space and ambiguity connected intricate nature. Department store is full of all kinds of class, race and gender politics of traditional real-world conflict, but the department store pasting the indoor and outdoor boundaries, a natural extension into a public space without boundaries, because of free admission ornamental novelty, modern commodities, Stores also condensed into a modern real-world critical public space in miniature. The third part is discussed Zola's " Au Bonheur des dames ", the first literary description with the department store book of the world. Zola's " Au Bonheur des dames ", the content is created during the narrative department stores and business strategies of the modern consumer society a product, how to loop progressive change in the way people consume and gender awareness concept. And reverse thinking by the imagined true, Zola explore how social observation into a novel content.


Space consumption woman u bonheur des dames Zola Jean Baudrillard


【Livres 】
Baudrillard, Jean, La societe de consommation, Paris, Gallimard,1996.
—, Profil D'Une Oeuvre: Zola- Au bonheur des dames, Hatier, 1981.
Coquery , N., Roche, D., Tenir boutique a Paris au xviiie siecle :Luxe et demi-luxe, CTHS,2011.


