  • 學位論文


The study on China development of the 5th generation fighter and impact to the defense combat in Taiwan

指導教授 : 翁明賢


中國依靠先進的軍事裝備來打贏高技術下的局部戰爭已經是中國軍事戰略的中心思想。所以應從中國空軍戰略思維、國際及國內環境及軍事戰略探討中國各期領導班子之軍事戰略和空軍戰略演變,及其解放軍第五代戰機發展現況、能量效益等,並以此趨勢推論對周邊各國及台灣造成戰略影響及台灣未來應思索戰略。 以「軍事層面」為主軸,探討中國空軍目前展第五代殲-20戰機趨勢和影響為核心及對國際形勢及中國國防戰略、軍事戰略指導、空軍戰略思想演變、現代化發展、軍隊建設目標等,及對國際形勢及台灣國防戰略、軍事規劃、空軍防衛等為研究。 中國軍事戰略發展與其軍事思維的演進有著密不可分的關係,大致可分為:毛澤東的「人民戰爭」時期、鄧小平的「現代化條件下的人民戰爭」時期、波灣戰後江澤民的「高技術條件下的局部戰爭」時期以及胡錦濤「國防和軍隊現代化的跨越式發展」時期。 中國在1999年,江澤民親自定案,背景主要有兩個,九八年九九年時,兩岸關係惡劣到頂峰;南斯拉夫大使館被隱形轟炸機炸毀事件,使中國要研發一些殺手鐧的武器,抵銷美國的空中優勢,2005年F-22服役以後,中國空軍內部有一個很嚴重的F-22恐懼症,迫使軍方對於成都飛機設計院方面施加很大壓力,為殲-20研發打下基礎,以致殲-20戰機能如此快研發出來。 現今因釣魚台及南海等爭議問題的處理,使臺灣位於東亞要衝,為維護臺灣領海與領空的安全,需以強大國防實力為後盾;建構具有防衛領空防衛能力的空軍,及維持精實戰力,確有實質需要重新檢討台灣國防政策。


China relies on advanced military equipment to win local wars under high-tech China military strategy has been the central idea. So should the China Air Force strategic thinking, international and domestic environment and explore the Chinese military strategy of the military strategy of leadership and strategic evolution of the Air Force, and the PLA fifth-generation fighter development status, energy efficiency, etc., and on the neighboring countries in order to infer trends and Taiwan, resulting in strategic impact and Taiwan should be thinking about the future strategy. A "military dimension" for the spindle, explore China Air Force is currently developing the fifth generation fighter J -20 trends and impacts at the core and on the international situation and China's national defense strategy and military strategic guidance, the Air Force strategic thinking evolved, modern development, army building goals , and on the international situation and Taiwan defense strategy and military planning, the Air Force and defense for the study. China military strategy development with the evolution of military thinking has a close relationship can be broadly divided into: Mao's "people's war" period, Deng Xiaoping's "people's war under modern conditions" period, the Persian Gulf War Jiang Zemin's "high-tech conditions the local war "and President Hu Jintao during the" national defense and military modernization by leaps and bounds "period. China in 1999, Jiang Zemin personally finalized, there are two main background, 1998 in 1999, the cross-strait relations deteriorated to peak; Yugoslav Embassy stealth bomber blew up an event, the China want to develop some of the killer weapon, offsetting U.S. air superiority, 2005 F-22 in service after the Chinese air Force has a very serious internal F-22 phobia, forcing the military to the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute impose a lot of pressure, in order to lay the foundation for development of the J-20, so that J-20 fighter can be developed so quickly. Diaoyu Islands and the South China Sea today because of contentious issues such as handling, making Taiwan in East Asia, its territorial waters and airspace to safeguard Taiwan's security, to be backed by a strong national defense capabilities; constructed with air defense airspace defense capabilities and to maintain strong air combat capability, there are indeed real need to review the Taiwan defense policy.


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