  • 學位論文


The Research of Cultural Blend of Mexican Immigrants in United States

指導教授 : 王秀琦


美國是個移民者的社會,堪稱目前世界上最重要的移民接收國,而來自不同國家的外來移民,讓美國社會呈現了多彩多姿的文化特性。在眾多拉美裔移民當中,墨西哥移民及其在美國出生的後代以將近3,300萬之人數,成為當前美國最大的單一移民群體,其文化影響力可見一斑,在美國的發展情形備受關注。 美墨戰爭為墨西哥人移民美國的歷史揭開了序幕,並隨著時間的演進逐漸形成持續不斷的移民浪潮。由於墨西哥和美國特殊之地緣關係,加上墨裔移民在美國人數的迅速增長與分布相對集中,以及與美國本地人民之間無論在思想價值觀、社經發展基礎和語言方面等諸多差異,同時還可能遭受主流社會的偏見歧視等多方面因素相互影響下,致使墨西哥移民在同化的表現上往往落後於其他國家的移民群體,呈現發展緩慢的趨勢。 本論文探討墨西哥移民在美國社會之社經及文化的發展情形,論述墨裔移民所帶來的社會文化方面之影響與改變。首先談及墨西哥移民在美國發展的歷史背景與過程,另外也研究移民們遷移至美國的主要原因與本身所存在之特殊性,並了解墨裔移民目前於美國發展之社會與經濟概況。在同化問題上,除了討論當前墨西哥移民同化於美國的發展狀況外,也探究形成墨裔移民同化困難之各項因素。然而,在兩國文化的動態交流與相互融合下,墨西哥移民已為美國文化帶來了新風貌,今日的墨裔移民實際上不只被美國同化,同時也在過程中「同化」了美國。墨西哥移民在美國社會之不同方面所產生的墨西哥化現象,亦為本研究其中之重要議題。


The United States, a society built up by immigrants, is the most important immigrant-receiving country in the world. The mainstream society of America shows cultural diversity through those immigrants from different countries. However, nearly 33 million population of Mexican immigrants and their America-born descendants among Hispanic immigrants, has become the largest ethnic immigrant group in the United States. It’s evident to see the cultural influence of Mexican immigrants nowadays, so does the developing condition in the United States always attracts many attentions. The history of Mexican people immigrated to the United States began after the Mexican–American War, and immigration waves become continuous as time goes by. Due to the particular geography location between Mexico and the United States, the rapid growth with the number of Mexican immigrants and their centralized distribution trend, as well as those distinct discrepancies in the aspect of ideological values, basic socio-economic development and language with natives. In addition, the prejudice and discrimination in mainstream society sometimes are also inevitable. As the result, the process of assimilation of Mexican immigrants has always grown slowly and got behind other ethnic immigrant groups, after interacting with various factors above. This thesis dedicates on the socio-economic and cultural development of Mexican immigrants in America society, and focuses on the cultural influences and changes from this immigrant group. The content of the thesis includes the historical background and process of Mexican immigrants in the United States. Besides, those principal reasons for immigrate and other particularities exist by Mexican immigrants themselves. Also, it refers to the development of social and economic profile currently of these immigrants in the United States. In the issue of assimilation, the thesis disserts about the assimilation development of Mexican immigrants and their descendants, those components impact the assimilation difficulty to the mainstream society are also mentioned. During the dynamic cultural exchange and cultural blend between Mexico and the United States, there has already brought a brand-new appearance for the America culture from Mexican immigrants. Not only these Mexican immigrants are assimilated by the society of United States, in the meantime, they also “assimilate” the United States on the way. The different aspects of Mexicanization emerge from Mexican immigrants in the society are the main issues of the study as well.


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ACEMOGLU, Daron, and James A. Robinson, Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty, New York: Crown Business, March 20, 2012, 544 pp.
