  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Dong-Gong- Guan in Early Tang Dynasty

指導教授 : 王樾


就實際政治而言,太子被視為「已指定而不牢固之皇位繼承 者」,就唐初太子而言,自唐武德九年(西元626 年)玄武門事變 後,唐代太子除了本身的問題外,皇帝的喜好、皇族親王的威脅、 權臣的擁護與否以及皇后的影響,這些種種原因都使其呈現為一不 穩固的狀態。 本文的時間範圍,自唐高祖武德元年(618)唐高祖立其嫡長子 李建成為太子至唐高宗弘道元年(683)唐高宗駕崩,太子李顯即位 止,共65 年。本文主要分析在這段期間中,太子的地位的升降以及 廢立的討論,而其東宮官的來源、作為以及太子被廢或者是順立即 位後的狀況作討論。 在唐高祖朝時期,太子李建成有鑒於隋太子楊勇因晉王楊廣採 用政治手段使其太子地位被廢的教訓,其面對秦王李世民對於儲位 的威脅,除了拓展其東宮官外,也藉由建立軍功來鞏固自己的地位。 使得秦王李世民無法藉由政治上的手段取得儲位,僅能鋌而走險採 用武力政變的方式來奪得政權。 在唐太宗朝時期,東宮官多由權臣兼任,除了增加太子的政治 實力外,也負有保護太子的任務,如太子承乾在面對魏王李泰對儲 位的威脅日益升高時,唐太宗也派任魏徵為東宮官,作為支持現任 太子的手段,而李治任太子時,也是由長孫無忌所扶持維護。可見 此時東宮官對於太子是有發揮功效。 但在唐高宗朝,雖仍依循貞觀朝的慣例,任命權臣宰相為東宮 官,但資質已較貞觀朝有落差,此外東宮官在此一時期其地位也逐 漸下降,可從權臣兼任東宮官官職以及太子被廢後東宮官的狀況觀察。 觀此三朝時期,在唐高祖、太宗期間,太子的地位雖然不穩固, 但藉由東宮官的任命以及東宮官的升遷狀況,可知皇帝希望藉由人 為的方式,促使在帝位繼承的過程中,能夠和平且平順的度過。但 在唐高宗朝,太子的地位受到皇后的影響,以致其廢立的情況屢屢 發生,而也影響東宮官不若貞觀時期的穩固,也使得東宮官的地位 以及其功能逐漸降低。


唐初 太子 東宮 東宮官 政治鬥爭


In practical political terms, the Crown Prince was considered "without a firm's designated successor to the throne," on the Tang Dynasty Crown Prince is concerned, since the A.D. 626 The Xuanwu Gate Incident, in addition to the problem itself, the Crown Prince Tang Dynasty in addition, the emperor's preferences, the threat of the royal family, Prince and de facto ruler of the Queen's support or not and the effects of these various reasons are that it is rendered as an unstable state. Time scope of this paper, since Gaozu Wude year (618) Emperor Gaozu of Tang establish its Allegiance to Emperor Gaozong of Tang became the Crown Prince Hiromichi first year (683) Tang Emperor died, the throne Prince Xian ended, a total of 65 years. This paper analyzes the meantime, the Prince of elevating the status of discussions and waste legislation, and its sources, as well as the situation was deposed Prince or cis position immediately after the discussion. In Emperor Gaozu of Tang Dynasties, Sui Taizai view of Prince Li Jiancheng Yong Jin Wang Yang Guang using political means because it is waste status Prince lessons Li Shimin its face threats for storage spaces, in addition to expanding its Dong-Gong- Guan, but also With the establishment of military medals to consolidate his position. Makes Li Shimin not get storage spaces by means of political desperation only way to change the use of war seized power. In Emperor Dynasties, Dong-Gong- Guan concurrently by more powerful minister, in addition toincreasing the Prince's political strength, but also mandates the protection of the Prince, as Prince Chengqian ever-increasing threat to the reserve position in the face of the king and Lee Tae, the Emperor Wei Zheng was also represented by any officer of Orient House, as a means of support for the incumbent Prince, and Li Zhi Ren Taizi, it was also being supported by Sun loudly maintenance. Dong-Gong- Guan to be seen at this time Prince is effective. But in Emperor Gaozong of Tang, though still follow Dynasty towards practice, Quan Chen appointed prime minister for the Dong-Gong- Guan, but has been more Dynasty towards qualification there is a gap, in addition to the Dong-Gong- Guan in this period also decreased its position, can serve as Orient House, the official office and from the powerful minister Prince Dong-Gong- Guan observed condition after being abandoned. This concept dynasties period, Emperor Gaozu of Tang during Taizong, although the status of Prince shaky, but by the appointment and promotion of the status of the Orient House Dong-Gong- Guan officer, known emperor hoping artificially promote the throne succession process, be able to spend a peaceful and smooth. But in the Tang Emperor towards status affected the Queen, Prince, so that the situation of its dethronement of frequent occurrence, but it does not affect the Dong-Gong- Guan if solid Dynastyperiod, but also makes the official status of the Orient House and its function gradually decreases.



