  • 學位論文


A Study on Encapsulation Strategy and Tools for Electronic Records

指導教授 : 歐陽崇榮


本研究主要以文獻分析及系統實作進行。以電子檔案封裝策略及其工具組合系統為主要重點。依據學術理論與實際需求來探討封裝策略於國內電子檔案長期保存之應用。進而架構電子檔案封裝模式以期可解決電子檔案長期保存之可能。 本研究之結論如下: 一、動態的封裝策略模式可確保電子檔案以封裝模式轉換檔案格式 以長期保存。 二、動態的封裝策略模式可確保電子檔案的真實性、完整性及可及 性。 三、相關工具可有效協助檔案管理人員進行電子檔案的長期保存。 本研究之建議如下: 一、整合本研究所參考使用之工具。 二、建立電子檔案轉換格式訂定及相關軟體使用說明。 三、加強檔案管理人員之教育訓練與素養。


封裝 電子檔案 長期保存


This study is aimed to sum up concept of research articles analysis and system implementation. We will focus on encapsulation strategy and relative tools for electronic records. Based on academic theory and the physical demand, to investigate how encapsulation strategy can be applied in electronic records long term preservation. Then construct a dynamic electronic records encapsulation model may solve the electronic records long term preservation by the time. The conclusions are as followed: 1.The dynamic encapsulation strategy ensures electronic records long term preservation. 2.The dynamic encapsulation strategy ensures electronic records could be integrity、authenticity、accessibility. 3.The dynamic encapsulation strategy lets the record administrator efficiently to manage long term electronic records preservation. The study has the following recommendations: 1.This proposed study strategy should integrate several tools into one system. 2.Establishment electronic records transformation form schedules and related software menu. 3.Strengthens of education and training and the accomplishment the document to the staffs.


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