  • 學位論文


A Caching Strategy Based on SCORM Sequencing

指導教授 : 林慧珍


隨著遠距教學活動的興起,越來越多的學習者開始利用遠距教學平台來從事學習活動。然而,由於多媒體素材廣泛應用於教材之中,及行動資訊設備大量普及,現有的網路環境與網路效能,卻造成學習者於學習過程中莫大的困擾。 為了降低學習者於學習過程中所受的干擾,及提高學習效率,本論文提出一名為“課程快取策略”的方法。透過預先載入所需的資料,可以減少學習者在學習過程中,等待資料經由網路從伺服器端傳送至本地客戶端的時間。並可利用此策略,減少學習中存取網路的次數,讓學習者在利用行動設備,即使處於網路離線的狀況下,也能順利地繼續其學習。而為了有效降低學習者不必要的等待時間與網路連結次數,課程快取策略參考了包含以SCORM教學順序為主的一些因素,透過這些因素來推測其運作所需要的資料。而本論文最後也將以實例,證明課程快取策略的效能,展示其改善學習者學習過程的狀況。


遠距教學 SCORM 快取


With respect to the diverseness of learning devices and the different conditions of the internet connection availability, users might confront with some inevitable problems in traditional distance learning environment. The learning activities are always interfered while the network connection is failed. Furthermore, the learning contents become more and more miscellaneous with on-line multimedia presentations, and it is necessary for learners to wait for the learning resources to be downloaded from the remote learning server. In this paper, we propose a solution, called Caching Strategy. According to some specific factors, we aim to provide the most needed learning resources for learners on the mobile learning devices even if the internet connection is not available intermittently. With our proposed methods, the waiting time of learning contents delivery can be reduced as well to smooth the learning activities online. In order to increase the efficiency of the strategy, we carefully examine some specific factors about the learning sequencing defined in the SCORM. After applying this strategy to distance learning system, the efficient ubiquitous learning will be easier to come true.


Distance Learning SCORM Caching Agent


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