  • 學位論文


Research of Consumer’s Perception on The Food Certification Label, Involvement and Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study of The Health Food.

指導教授 : 曾義明


隨著台灣即將邁入超高齡化社會,日常保健已成為健康議題的重要一環,對保健食品的需求日趨益增,不少保健食品廠商開始著重申請相關標章認證作為功效性驗證與品質把關。本研究挑選近年國內外三種熱門標章認證與健康食品認證,了解消費者對這些標章認證的認知程度,以及保健食品獲得何種標章認證更能獲得消費者的青睞。 本研究採用質性研究中的深度訪談法,並事前進行前測分類出三類不同涉入程度:低涉入、高涉入、專家型消費者後,邀請六位消費者分享購買保健食品的經驗與標章認證的認知,探討影響消費者購買決策之因素,並提出管理意涵,供保健食品經營業者參考。 研究結果發現,保健涉入程度越高的消費者,對產品了解程度高,對產品的知覺價值也越高。對於各標章認證之間的差異,涉入程度越深者較明顯可具體深入描述且正確,對於有相關認證標章的保健產品能產生信任感。而保健食品有取得健康食品標章和SNQ國家品質標章最受消費者青睞,另外潔淨標章因其訴求成分單純化和減少添加物,亦成為消費者開始關注的標章認證之一。在負面印象部分,涉入程度越深者,認為產品擁有標章認證有其必要性,但更重視有經科學實證來佐證其功效性。


As Taiwan is about to enter a super-aged society, daily health care has become an important part of health issues. Besides, the demand for health foods is increasing. Many health food manufacturers have begun to apply for relevant certification label as a verification of efficacy and quality control. In this study, three popular domestic and international certification labels and health food certifications in recent years are selected as research targets. It is worthy of in-depth discussion to understand whether consumers’ awareness of these certification labels is correct and which certification labels for health foods are more favored by consumers. In this study, the in-depth interviews and semi-structured interview methods are adopted, and pre-tests are conducted to classify three types of different involvement levels, namely low-involvement, high- involvement, and expert consumers. Afterwards, six consumers are invited to share the experience of health food and the cognition of certification label. Therefore, the factors that affect consumers purchasing decisions are explored and management implications are proposed for the reference of health food operators. It is found in the results of the study that consumers who are more involved in health care have a higher degree of understanding and perceived value of the product, the perceived value of the product will increase with the degree of involvement. Regarding the differences between the certifications of the various labels, the deeper the degree of involvement, the more obvious it can be described in detail and correct, which can create a sense of trust in the health care products with the relevant certifications. In addition, health food products with health food labels and Symbol of National Quality (the SNQ) are most favored by consumers. Furthermore, the Clean Label has become one of the certification labels that consumers are beginning to pay attention to because of its appeal for simplification of ingredients and reduction of additives. In terms of negative impressions, the deeper the involvement, the more important it is for the product to have a mark certification, but the more important it is to have scientific evidence to prove its efficacy.


3.尚榮安(2001) 譯,Robert K. Yin著(1994),個案研究,"Case Study Research: design and Methods" ,台北:弘智文化,29-30
