  • 學位論文


A Study of Shi Zhicun’s works under the Neo-Sensationists

指導教授 : 呂正惠 蘇敏逸


施蟄存我國現代文學史上一位非常具有特色的作家,他通常與劉呐鷗、穆時英一起,被稱為現代文學史上「新感覺派」的代表人物。他率先把西方現代主義表現方法大規模地引入傳統現實主義表現領域中,運用心理分析的表現技巧,挖掘和揭示人物深層心理,在文學多元的三○年代可謂在「創作上獨自走一條新的路徑」。他的小說不僅是其個人藝術探索、人生追求的忠實記錄,而且也從側面反映了都市人生的百態和特定時代條件下急劇變化的社會歷史,在二三○年代的中國產生了重要影響。 本文主要以《將軍的頭》、《梅雨之夕》和《善女人行品》三個小說集為主,從內容和藝術表現兩方面詳細闡述施蟄存對心理分析小說的實驗探索。在內容上,施蟄存借用佛洛伊德的精神分析理論觀照小說中的人物,以性心理為描寫的焦點,將其細膩的筆觸深入到都市,深入到塵封的歷史,深入到人的潛意識,描寫性欲的壓抑、探索人性的奧秘、狀寫內在的真實,展示了其對人性獨特的思考和闡釋。在藝術表現上,使用內心獨白、敘事視角和蒙太奇等意識流手法盡情展現人物的潛意識,使得人物主體意識得到充分的發揮,著重挖掘人物的性心理狀況,並在揭示人物二重人格的同時,呈現人性與文明的衝突,成功地塑造了一批生動的人物形象。並且,在使用現代派技巧於小說創作的同時,施蟄存還兼顧到讀者的閱讀習慣和審美經驗,充分展現了現代和古典的完美融合,通過這種形式的分析,把握小說內在的意蘊。 此外,與三○年代其他小說家相比,施蟄存的小說有著自己的獨到之處——獨特的小說觀、執著的文藝追求、深厚的人文內涵和多樣的藝術風格。正是憑藉這些,施蟄存成功地以其題材和形式的雙重拓展性開創了中國小說新的發展空間,拓展了小說的表現領域,並確立了其在中國現代小說中不可替代的重要地位。


Shi Zhicun is one of the characteristic writers in Chinese Modern Literature History. Shi Zhicun, Liu Na'ou and Mu Shiying are admired to be "the Neo-Sensationists" of Chinese Modern Literature. He was the pioneer to wildly create the performance with Western modernism in the field of traditional realism. Psychoanalysis skill was applied to reveal the deep psychological character of people. He was so call that "walking alone on the creation of a new path", compared to diversified Chinese literature writers in the 1930s. His novel was not only the personal artistic exploration, but also was the faithful record of people to pursuit their life. Also it reflected the attitudes of urban people life. And it record dramatic changes in the specific social conditions of history. His novel deeply influenced people of China from the end of 1920s to the early 1930s. In this paper, "The General's Head"、 "Dusk in rain" and "The Kind Women's character" were studied. It detailed described the exploration from both ways of the content and artistic expression of the psychoanalysis novel by Shi Zhicun. It mentioned that Shi Zhicun contemplated of characters in the novel follow Freud's psychoanalytic theory. Description of its delicate brush strokes deep into the city, deep into the dust of history focus on the psychology of sex. He demonstrated sexual repression deeply into the subconscious to explore the mysteries of human mind and the inner truth of people. His novel show unique thinking and interpretation of human nature. Performance in the arts, the use of interior monologue, stream of consciousness narrative techniques such as perspective and enjoy the show montage character's subconscious. It can bring the subject consciousness of the main character into full play. Focusing on people's psychological state of excavation, and reveal the character double personality to showing the conflicts of human nature and civilization. A number of vivid characters were successfully created. Also using the skill of modernist school writing showed up in novels in 1930s, was a distinctive phenomenon then in Chinese literature. Shi Zhicun also took into account the reader's reading habits and aesthetic experience. It fully demonstrated the perfect fusion of modern and classical literature by this form of analysis to grasp the implication inherent in the novel. In addition, Shi Zhicun has its own unique as compared with other novelists of 1930s. Unique novel concept, persistent pursuit of art, deep cultural content and diversity of artistic style. By this way, Shi Zhicun successfully dual created its subject matter and form of expansion of Chinese fiction to create a new space for development and performance field. And he established the irreplaceable important position in modern Chinese fiction history.




