  • 學位論文


Taiwan's TFT-LCD Panel Manufacturer investment in China-Case Studies on AUO and CMO

指導教授 : 郭建中 范錦明


為研究臺灣及亞洲面板製造業的發展背景及整體產業概況,故本研究將清楚地進行系統化的文獻整理,並整理出現今面板製造產業的發展狀況與市場環境。將針對臺灣光電產業面板製造廠商進入中國大陸市場佈局的方式進行研究,並對本研究中的廠商其背景跟現況作一概略性介紹,再以廠商在產業中跟市場上的營運行為來探討其經營模式。 在臺灣光電產業中,援引友達光電和奇美電子兩家廠商資料作為依據,個別分析友達光電和奇美電子在TFT—LCD市場的商業經營方式。相互比較其佈局策略的效果及方向,並從中判斷其影響且給予建議。 經研究後發現,友達光電主要是採用間接投資的入股投資中國大陸當地廠商的方式,以進入中國大陸面板模組市場投資。奇美電子則是透過第三地轉投資的方式,經過多次在境外第三地不斷的進行轉投資,最後再到中國大陸設廠投資經營面板製造項目。這種利用境外第三地區轉投資的方式,可說是充分發揮了移轉訂價的精神。 在此可以說明友達光電是偏向採取穩健踏實的經營方式,且以技術為導向。不光是致力於鞏固現有市場佔有率,維持營業和獲利水準,並不斷投入研發成本以追求在臺灣的技術領導地位。反觀奇美電子則是在經過國內廠商的整併之後,不斷地透過策略聯盟和收購手段去擴張其市場版圖及技術水準。靈活的運用第三地轉投資方式規避政策限制和投資風險,並有效地取得在中國大陸市場的一席之地,且獲得良好的發展。 至於美、日、臺三地廠商聯手抵抗南韓兩家面板模組廠商,所進行合縱連橫的三角策略實屬於三方無奈下的結果。美國廠商空有品牌和市場的情況下,並不具有達規模經濟的自身面板製造廠商作為生產供應鏈。而日本廠商雖在面板技術和製程上最具優勢,然卻有產能不足及市場規模偏小的問題存在。臺灣廠商雖具有達規模經濟的產能優勢和一定的面板技術水準,然卻缺乏品牌優勢和最先進的面板技術及製程作為關鍵競爭工具。所以美、日、臺三方目前唯一的方法即是合作,利用各自所具有的優勢截長補短相互扶持,以對抗不斷茁壯的南韓面板模組廠商。


To research the development background and the overall industry overview of panel manufacturing in Taiwan and Asia, this research will review literature systematically, and sort out the development situation and market environment of panel manufacturing industry right now. We will concentrate on researching the investment in China’s market by Taiwan's TFT-LCD panel manufacturer of the Taiwan's photoelectric industry. Then we will make a brief introduction about background and status of the manufacturers in this research, and investigate the manufacturers business model in industry with market’s trading acts. I will use individual analysis in both AUO’s and CMO’s business model in the TFT-LCD market by using both AUO’s and CMO’s companies data as a basis in Taiwan’s photovoltaic industry. And I will compare the effect and direction of their investment and evaluate their impact and give advice. After studies we can find out AUO mainly used indirect form of equity investments the local manufacturers in mainland China to investment China’s panel module market. CMO always take third place reinvestment to investment panel manufacturing projects in China, after numerous outside third continuous investment. This third area outside investment, can be said to give full play to the spirit of the transfer price. This illustrates that AUO tend to take steady and technology-oriented way of doing business. AUO not only committed to the consolidation of the existing market share, and made a business and profit level, but also pursuit Taiwan's technology leadership in costs to research and development. On the other hand,CMO continuously use strategic alliances and acquisitions to expand its market landscape and technology after merging domestic producers. CMO take flexible application of third place reinvestment for avoiding policy and investment risks, and then efficient access to the mainland China marketplace, and get a good development. As for the Triangular strategic of United States, Japan, and Taiwan manufacturers jointly resisting two panel modules manufacturers in South Korea, it is a helpless result by tripartite. Although United States manufacturers had brand and market, they did not have its own Panel manufacturers as production and supply chain in economies of scale. Japan’s manufacturers had most competitive advantage in the process of Panel technology, but there are problems of production insufficient capacity and small market size. Taiwan’s manufacturers have reached capacity advantage of economies of scale and a certain level of Panel, but there is a lack of brand and the most advanced Panel technology as a key competitive tool. Therefore, the United States, Japan, Taiwan need to collaborate, use their respective advantages to make up a deficiency by the surplus of mutual support, and to fight the ever-strong Panel modules manufacturers in South Korea.


TFT-LCD AUO CMO panel manufacturer China




