  • 學位論文


An Analysis on the Reform of Taiwan Reform Current Military Service System

指導教授 : 李大中


兵役制度興革之良窳,為國防之憑藉,更是國家安全之基石。 從中外古今歷史觀察,一國之開國建政和興亡絕續,均重視兵役制度興革。我國遠溯周代,迄至清末。史實殷鑑可見,凡盛世之治,必是建有優良兵制;反之,疏忽役政,將是民弱國衰。如當今中東地區以色列外鄰敵國環伺,但她卓然屹立。而我國宋朝,國家雖大而全依募兵國勢積弱而亡。故國治圖強,必注重兵役制度興革。當前我國,正圖兵役制度之改革,顯有諸多迷思,朝野政黨均執意於選舉考量,遂年縮短義務役的役期,從原先役期1年10個月縮短為1年;故此,造成國軍無法嚴訓精練,提升戰力。因此,採「募兵制」,招募志願役士兵服役於常備部隊。而將義務役的役男僅接受6個月之軍事訓練後,列入後備部隊管制。原訂於103年實施以募兵制為主的兵役制度,但因招募之兵員目標,不能達到,而兩度後延。所幸我國現行之兵役制度,是「徵、募併行制」,招募員額目標不足,以義務役徵集,維持建軍、備戰之安全需求。但推動募兵制將會造成國軍兵員不足,戰力難加提升。以及國家財政之困境。 依國防安全言,兵役制度興革、精進,務必考量國家外在威脅,人口結構,當前政、經環境、情勢之因素,就國力綜合考量言;我國當前兵役制度改革、精進,應採行「徵、募併行制」。以策國防之安全。恢復義務役役期,1年6個月。並招募素質精良的志願役兵員,強化三軍高級特殊專長之兵員,以相輔相成,互補均衡策略,達成塑建國軍精強戰力之目標。


The innovation and improvement of military service system is always the basis of national defense and also the foundation stone of the national security. Seeing from the past, no matter when the government is prospering or facing destructive crisis, there is no country who doesn’t focus on the improvement of military service system. To look back from Zhou Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, the history tells us all. When it came to heyday, the military service system must be complete; however, when the military service system was ignored, the dynasty failed to last. For example, nowadays, though adjoining to strong enemies on the Middle-East area, Israel still possess strong power on national defense. Compared with our past Song Dynasty, the situation was totally the opposite. Though at that time, Song has expansive territory, it relied on enlistment system which weaken the power. Thus, it is very important to focus on the adoption of military service system. Nowadays, our country wishes to innovate and improve the military service system. However, with misconceptions in the society and the concerns of the election results, the government decides to shorten the service period year by year: from the original a year and 10 months to only a year. The change has caused incomplete training and failed to strengthen our military power. To complement the weakness, the government adopts enlistment military service and puts them into regular service; the soldiers of obligatory military service receive only 6-month training and are put into reserve troops. The new regulation that centered on enlistment military service system was originally going to be practiced in 2014, however it was delayed twice since the number of soldiers can’t meet expectation. Fortunately, our military service system is still based on the combination of enlistment system and conscription system. If the volunteer soldiers can’t meet the requirement, we still have obligatory soldiers to keep the national defense working. However, if the government insists to adopt enlistment system, the number of soldiers must decline and the military power will stop to grow, not to mention the financial difficulties. All in all, the improvement and innovation of the military service system are concerned with threats, population structure, the political and economic situation, etc. Considering different aspects of our current situation, our military service system should adopt the combination of enlistment service and conscription service. To maintain national security, we should adopt the old recruiting system based on obligatory soldiers, who need to receive training of a year and 6 months; and at the same time, recruit high quality volunteering soldiers, in order to strengthen the forces of who have specialties. That way, the military can complement each other and create a strong military power.


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