  • 學位論文


Reducing traffic accident risk effect when passenger vehicle equip with driving recorder

指導教授 : 汪琪玲




In this study, the passenger vehicle purchase automobile third party liability insurance, its premium rate computation except basic from personal factors and car factors ,discusses whether vehicles with driving recorder and traffic accident has its significant relevance, and further deduction vehicles with driving recorder whether can or does as automobile insurance tariff new fixed new pricing factors or for the tariff addition and subtraction condition consideration, thereby providing the insurance company reference, making the automobile insurance rates become more fair and reasonable, more nearly risk of accidents. With sample data analysis, regression model hypotheses and empirical research, results of this study support the vehicles with mechanical driving recorder compared to those who have not installed a lower risk of accidents; vehicles installed digital driving recorder, and driving recorder return information by appropriate monitoring measures did affect the third party risk of accidents. Passenger Transport Corporation should establish a comprehensive vehicle driving recorder equipment and information digital driving recorder backhaul monitoring interpretation. It can be used as insurance company automobile insurance rates as new pricing factor or do for the tariff addition and subtraction condition reference.


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