  • 學位論文


The influence of User Experience to Netflix’s Brand Image, Brand Affect, Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty

指導教授 : 陳玉鈴


2020年因為疫情影響,全球掀起一股宅經濟浪潮,線上影音串流 (OTT) 平台更是趁著這股熱潮快速發展。根據 Digital TV Research 數據顯示全球 OTT 產業營收不斷上漲,而眾多平台中 Netflix 的訂閱數獨佔鰲頭,不僅訂閱戶大幅成長,更於去年底突破全球2億的訂閱戶,相關數據也顯示用戶對 Netflix 不僅僅是黏著度增加,對其忠誠度也相對提高,因此本研究聚焦於 Netflix 的使用者經驗,探討 Netflix 如何透過使用者介面及多樣的內容吸引用戶持續訂閱,接著討論使用者經驗對 Netflix 的品牌形象、品牌情感、品牌信任的影響,並進一步討論其對品牌忠誠度的影響。研究結果顯示,使用者經驗(情緒感受)及使用者經驗(產品感受)對 Netflix 品牌形象、品牌情感、品牌信任及品牌忠誠度(行為忠誠)、品牌忠誠度(態度忠誠)皆呈現正向顯著影響,意即用戶對 Netflix 使用者經驗感受越正向,包括對影劇內容的情緒感受及對介面設計的產品感受,則對其品牌的相關感受也會相對提高。


In 2020, due to the impact of the COVID-19, there will be a wave of housing economy around the world, The OTT platform is taking advantage of this boom to develop rapidly. According to Digital TV Research data, global OTT industry revenue is rising, and Netflix has the leading number of subscriptions among many platforms, not only did the number of subscribers grow substantially, it also exceeded 200 million subscribers worldwide at the end of last year. Relevant data also show that users are not only more attached to Netflix, but also increase their loyalty. Therefore, this study focuses on Netflix's user experience, explores how Netflix can attract users to continue to subscribe through user interface and various content, and then discusses the impact of user experience on Netflix's brand image, brand emotion and brand trust, and further discusses its impact on brand loyalty. The results show that, User experience (emotional feeling) and user experience (product feeling) have positive and significant effects on Netflix brand image, brand emotion, brand trust, brand loyalty (behavior loyalty) and brand loyalty (attitude loyalty), The results show that, User experience (emotional feeling) and user experience (product feeling) have positive and significant effects on Netflix brand image, brand emotion, brand trust, brand loyalty (behavior loyalty) and brand loyalty (attitude loyalty) , this means that the more positive users feel about the Netflix user experience, the more they feel about their brand.


OTT Netflix User Experience Brand Loyalty


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LifePoints、凱度洞察台灣(2019/12/13)。台灣 OTT 市場隨選影視戰況分析(上篇)【凱度洞察】。取自https://kantar.com.tw/MailSources/InfoPulse/2020/03/2020_March_Kantar_Taiwan_and_LifePoints_Report_OTT_trend_report(PART_I).pdf
LifePoints、凱度洞察台灣(2019/12/13)。台灣 OTT 市場隨選影視戰況分析(下篇). 【凱度洞察】。取自 https://kantar.com.tw/MailSources/InfoPulse/2020/03/2020_March_Kantar_Taiwan_and_LifePoints_Report_OTT_trend_report(PART_II).pdf
LifePoints、凱度洞察台灣(2020/04/08)台灣 OTT 市場隨選影視戰況分析【動腦雜誌】。取自 https://www.brain.com.tw/news/articlecontent?ID=48759#60wNGU8X
