  • 學位論文

金融全球化下中美金融政策分析- 2008年全球金融危機影響

The Sino - U.S. Financial Policy Research Under the Financial Globalization – Focus on 2008 Financial Crisis

指導教授 : 郭建中 王國臣


本研究的框架以金融全球化為背景,研究兩大經濟體-美國與中國大陸,研究時間範圍在2008年全球金融危機時點。首先探討美國如何在全球化下建立美國的霸權,特別是美元的霸權地位,因為其地位以及金融全球化效應,使得全球發生金融海嘯,接續探討美國採取的量化寬鬆對國內外的效應,並且在最後歸納美國危機前後的金融政策的轉變。以及中國大陸在面對金融海嘯衝擊下採取的救市政策,同時,探討中國大陸金融市場化改革下,金融政策的轉變與放寬,最後再將兩大國的金融政策轉變做比較。 本研究三大目的與小結: (一)全球金融危機發生後,兩大經濟體的政策轉變 全球金融危機美國從新自由主義的自由放任,轉變為凱因斯學派的政府干預實施量化寬鬆政策,以及建立更完善的金融監管機制。而中國大陸則是把握了危機,繼續其市場化改革道路的步伐。 (二) 金融全球化在國家的金融政策上面有決定性的影響,並且兩者存在相互反饋的現象 次房貸危機因金融全球化演變成為國際的共同災難,同時在美國大到不能倒情況下,推動了影響全世界的非傳統的量化寬鬆政策,在此見到金融全球化與美國金融政策的相互影響。同樣因為此金融全球化的外溢效果使得危機影響到了中國大陸,使得中國採取四兆救市,以及其他的振興方案,並且對於金融體制的深化改革上面有更多的考量。 (三)全球化效應的反思 從全球金融危機反思到全球化負效應的外溢效果,美國將災難擴展到全世界,反思到全球化所帶來的效果不只是壓縮了距離與時間使得全球產業的分工,成本的降低,同樣的其擴大了國際間貧富、地域間的差異。 關鍵字:金融政策、全球金融危機、全球化、中美關係


The globalization is not a choice but a reality. This is not just an appearance, a trend. What’s more, it replaces the system built in cold war. The financial globalization is the highest level appearance of the economic globalization and a part of the globalization. My motivation for researching the financial globalization is because of the global financial crisis triggered by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis. This crisis turned out becoming the global financial crisis affecting whole world investing environment, the stability of financial system, domestic economic growth, and employment no matter emerging power- China or Taiwan. What is the main reason for this global financial shark? The financial globalization effect is the key point. There are three main research purposes as following, First of all, thesis focuses on Sino-U.S. financial policies transition. Because of the global financial crisis, the U.S. transformed from neo-liberalism economics to keynesian economics. The U.S. adopted quantitative easing policy with great power and took steps to end the QE. The government also established better financial oversight and management. The mainland China economy was hurt by this crisis. China held this crisis as its speed-up reformation. China also changes its developing path to domestic demand not just depends on outsourcing anymore. Secondly, the financial globalization has great effect on nation’s financial policy and both exist feedback phenomenon.The Subprime mortgage loan crisis resulted from the financial globalization and became the international nightmare. The great United States is too big to fall so the fed took the QE. This monetary policy hurt the whole world because of financial globalization. Other countries all took the saving economy policy from monetary to financial .The mainland China also spent 4 trillion for saving market. And China also spent more effort on establishing China’s financial oversight institution while its reformation. The last part is the introspection of the globalization effect. The 2008 financial crisis give us a cruel lesson. The spill-over influence of the U.S. subprime mortgage problem spread to whole world. This phenomenon appeared negative part of the globalization. The globalization not just shortens distance and time and cheaper global industry division also increases disparity between the rich and the poor and the difference of the regions.


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