  • 學位論文


A Study concerning the impact of life insurance industry system After amending the insurance law for china’s entrance to WTO

指導教授 : 郭建中


自改革開放後,中國保險業才開始重新發展。1995年,中國公布第一部《保險法》,也讓保險業有了現代化的發展與初步的規範;當中國在2001年加入WTO後,為了遵守保險業能夠更進一步對外開放的承諾,與更新法令以符合時代潮流的原因下,《保險法》與相關保險部門規章也在2002年以後陸續修改。 中國在2002年所新修定的《保險法》從原來的8章125條,修改為8章158條,其中有32條是針對舊條文來做修改,另外新增6條。當中,最主要的改變就是主要針對幾個方向,分別是:一、保險費率的訂定由「制定制」改為「審批制」。二、對產險公司開放短期健康險與意外傷害險的經營。三、逐步放寬保險資金投資管道的多元性。四、健全監管制度以強化對保戶的保障。 而保險法的修改,對中國壽險業經濟面也造成了不小的影響,像是因保險費率改為審批制,許多壽險公司在設計新型商品的彈性與空間也相對變大。為因應銀行低利率時代所產生的利差損問題,保險資金運用的放寬,也讓壽險公司紛紛推出新型壽險商品,譬如:分紅保單、投資連結型保單與萬能保單。一方面不但能持續從市場上獲得更多可利用的保險資金來做較為積極的投資,來為保險公司產生更大的獲利;另一方面,亦將保險公司的經營風險便能有效降低,或移轉至保戶身上,對中國整體壽險公司的財務經營狀況產生正面影響。至今,中國壽險市場中,整體近六成都是新型壽險商品,其中又以分紅保單為最大佔有比例的商品,也使得中國的保險深度上升至2005年的2.703%、保險密度為每人300元人民幣、壽險保費佔總體保費佔率為七成以上,以上都顯示了中國壽險業正在不斷的蓬勃發展當中,且仍有很大的市場潛力可繼續開拓。 此外,由於保險法的修改,也使得中國保監會推出了許多相因應的部門規章,像是2004年所發布的《外資保險公司管理條例施行細則》,便為外資保險公司入主中國市場,有了基本的法源依據。截至2006年3月,成功進入中國的外資壽險公司已經有23家;另一方面,藉由中外合資的關係,外資壽險公司屢屢以承接中資母公司旗下相關企業的團體保險來提升業績,故外資壽險公司佔整體壽險市場的佔有率也開始從2002年的1.75%,逐步上升至2005年的8.90%。由此可知,外資壽險業的競爭力正不斷上升當中。 關鍵字:保險法、保險資金、壽險市場


保險法 保險資金 壽險市場


Insurance industry in China has its new start since the reform and disparking have been implemented in the country. In 1995, China announced its first “insurance law”, which brought modern development and initial standards into the insurance industry; after China’s entrance into WTO in 2001 and in order to comply with its commitment to further disparking of China’s insurance industry to the foreign countries and to revise its laws to match the modern trend, “Insurance law” and laws and regulations in related insurance departments thus had been revised one after another after 2002. In 2002, “Insurance law” in China had been revised from its original 8 chapters and 125 articles into 8 chapters 158 articles, among them, 32 articles are revised based on old articles and 6 articles are newly added. The most important changes are: 1. The making of insurance rate has been changed from “Self-deciding” to “Examining and approving” system. 2. The starting of short term health insurance and accident and injury health to the insurance company. 3. Gradually allowing the multiple channels investment of insurance capitals. 4. Build s solid monitoring system to reinforce guarantee to the insurance customers. The revision of insurance law has created influential impact to the economic side of the life insurance industry of China too, for example, flexibility and room for designing a new product for many life insurance companies become larger due to the change of insurance rate into examining and approving system. In order to cope with the interest difference loss of the bank due to the low interest rate, the widening of the use of insurance capital has lead to the launching of new life insurance product into the market from the life insurance company, for example, bonus insurance contract, investment-linking insurance contract and universal insurance contract. On the one hand, not only more usable capitals can be acquired from the market continuously to be used as more aggressive investment; but also on the other hand, the operation risk of insurance company can be effectively lowered or transferred to the insurance customers; this has very positive impact on the financial and operation situation of all the insurance companies in China. Until now, in the insurance market of China, almost 60% are filled with new life insurance products; among them, bonus insurance contract is the one that has the largest market share. Therefore, the insurance depth in China has risen to 2.703% in 2005 and the insurance density is about 300 RMB for each person and the life insurance fee occupies about 70% of the entire insurance total. All the above shows that the life insurance industry in China is still expanding and there is still large market potential for further development. Additionally, the revision of insurance law has made Insurance Monitoring Commission in China launch many new departmental regulations, for example, “Management rules and implementation details for foreigner-owned insurance companies” announced in 2004 has created a legal basis for the entrance into China market by the foreigner-owned insurance company. Until March 2006, about 23 foreigner-owned insurance companies have successfully entered China market; on the other hand, Through a relationship of joint venture between China and foreigner-owned insurance company, foreigner-owned life insurance company usually takes the group insurance contracts from the affiliates of cooperated China-owned mother company in order to increase its revenue. Therefore, foreigner-owned life insurance companies have their market share rose gradually from 1.75% in 2002 to 8.90% in 2005. We can thus see that the competitive power of foreigner-owned life insurance companies is continuously in a rising trend.


3. 李治衡,《中國大陸加入世界貿易組織產業影響評估之研究》,台灣:淡江大


