  • 學位論文


Deconstructing the China’s Military System Reform under the Dream of Strong Military:Origin,Development and Influence

指導教授 : 翁明賢


2012年,習近平接任中央軍委會主席,12月初巡視廣州戰區時要求人民解放軍「聽黨指揮,召之即來、來之能戰、戰之能勝」,部隊訓練要「實戰化」。2013年11月,中共十八大三中全會提出「深化軍隊體制編制調整改革,推進軍隊政策制度調整改革,推動軍民融合深度發展」的軍改計畫。依照中國「深化國防和軍隊改革的竟見」內容顯示,除對領導管理體制、聯合作戰指揮體制、軍隊規模結構、部隊編成、新型軍事人才培養、政策制度、軍民融合發展、武警指揮管理體制和力量結構及軍事法治體系等九方面進行總體安排外,並提出改革總體目標和實施期程:1.總體目標:把握「軍委管總、戰區主戰、軍種主建」原則,以領導管理體制、聯合作戰指揮體制改革為重點,協調推進規模結構、政策制度和軍民融合深度發展改革。2020年前,在領導管理體制、聯合作戰指揮體制改革上取得突破性進展,在優化規模結構、完善政策制度、推進軍民融合深度發展等方面改革上取得重要成果,努力構建能打贏信息化戰、有效履行使命任務的「中國特色」現代軍事力量體系,完善「中國特色」社會主義軍事政策。2.實施期程:2015年,重點組織實施領導管理體制,聯合作戰指揮體制改革,2016年,組織實施軍隊規模和作戰力量體系,院校、武警部隊改革。基本完成階段性改革任務;2017年至2020年,對相關領域改革作進一步調整,優化和完善,持續精各領域改革。 2014年3月,成立「中央軍委深化國防和軍隊改革領導小組」,習近平親自擔任組長。2015年11月24日至26日舉行「中央軍委改革工作會議」,審議通過軍隊體制改革方案。將軍改期程區分為三個階段,2016年完成軍隊領導指揮體制改革,2017年完成軍隊規模結構和力量編成改革,2018年開始啟動軍事政策制度改革。 習近平按照規劃推動軍隊體制改革,除軍權集中於習近平手上外,就是參照美軍編制與指揮方式,形塑一個新的人民解放軍。由二階段軍改內容觀之,軍隊改革不再侷限在人民解放軍,而是擴及人民武裝警察、民兵預備役、邊、海防部隊。希望將人民解放打造成外放型、模組化、智慧化、數位化的部隊,強軍目標就是「聽黨指揮、召之即來、來之能戰」,建構一體化聯合作戰能力,打造世界一流軍隊。


In 2012, Xi Jinping took over as the chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC). When he visited the Guangzhou Theater of Command (TOC) in early December, he asked the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to “follow the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) command, call it to come instantaneously, come ably to fight, fight ably to win.” The training of the troops must be “actualized”. In November 2013, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) proposed a military reform plan to “deeply reform and reform the military organization, promote troop policy and system reform, and promote the in-depth development of military-civilian integration.” According to China’s “deepening the aftermath of national defense and military reform”, it shows nine overall arrangements such as the leadership management system, joint operational command system, military scale structure, military formation, new military personnel training, policy system, military-civilian integration development, armed police command management system and so on. The overall objectives and implementation period of the reform are proposed: 1. Overall goal: Seizing the principles of “the CMC control all, TOCs focus on fight, and the Services focus on development”. It also focus on the leadership management system and the reform of the joint operational command system, and coordinate and promote the scale structure, policy system, and the deep development and reform of the military-civilian integration. By 2020, China will make breakthroughs in the reform of the leadership management system and the joint operational command system, and achieve important results in reforms in terms of optimizing the scale structure, improving the policy system, and promoting the in-depth development of military-civil integration, and strive to construct an information-based war. To effectively fulfill the mission of the “China characteristics” modernizing military power system and improving the “China characteristics” socialist military policy. 2. Implementation period: In 2015, China will focus on implementing the leadership management system and reforming the joint operational command system. In 2016, China will organize the implementation of the military scale and combat strength system, and the reform of the colleges and Armed Police Forces. Basically completing the phased reform tasks; from 2017 to 2020, further adjustment, optimize and improve the reforms in related fields, and continue to reform in various fields. In March 2014, the “the CMC deepened the leading group for national defense and military reform” was established, and Xi Jinping personally served as the team leader. The “CMC Reform Working Conference” was held from November 24 to 26, 2015 to review and approve the military system reform plan. The general reform period was divided into three phases. In 2016, the military leadership and command system reform was completed. In 2017, the military's scale structure and strength were reformed. In 2018, the military policy system reform was initiated. Xi Jinping promoted the reform of the military system in accordance with the plan. In addition to the military power concentrated on Xi Jinping's hands, it is based on the preparation and command of the US military to shape a new PLA. From the perspective of the second-stage military reform, the military reform is no longer confined to the PLA, but to the People's Armed Police, the militia reserve, the border, and the coastal defense forces. It is hoped that the people's liberation will be turned into an external, modular, intelligent, and digitalized force. The goal of a strong army is to "listen to the party's command, call it to come instantaneously, come ably to fight, fight ably to win", and build an integrated joint combat capability to create world-class army.


