  • 學位論文

草東真的沒有派對嗎? 台灣音樂展演之體驗行銷與消費者忠誠度之探究

Is “Cao Dong” not really having a party? A study of experiential marketing and consumer loyalty in Taiwan live music industry.

指導教授 : 吳怡國


「這是最壞的年代,也是最好的年代。」短短的一句話,道破了現代音樂人面臨這個社會現況的處境。消費者雖對於實體音樂專輯的購賣欲望大大降低,相反地,消費者更傾向體驗在現場展演中的感受,其在現場展演的消費力逐年提升。本研究希望利用Schmitt的體驗行銷策略模組以及消費者忠誠度進行分析,在研究方法的選取上,本研究採取質性研究,採取了團體訪談法,並分為線下及線上體驗之消費者。 研究發現,在體驗行銷策略模組的部分,其中相較於線上體驗之消費者,線下體驗之消費者對於感官體驗、情感體驗、思考體驗以及關聯體驗都有更深一層的感受,也更強烈的表示自己的喜愛。但在於線上體驗之消費者,雖然喜愛但是對於表達的內容都還是聚焦於樂團在歌詞歌曲上的詮釋。在這其中的差異可能就是由於線上驗之消費者缺乏線下體驗之消費者現場曾經體驗的感受,所以在陳述體驗時不會像線下體驗有較豐富的內涵。在消費者忠誠度的部分,線下和線上體驗之消費者皆表示會推薦周遭朋友草東沒有派對,但是只有線上體驗之消費者會有意願購票入場觀看草東沒有派對的現場表演。在其中線下體驗之消費者表示因為他們的經濟程度以及近期觀看頻率會影響他們購票意願。


"This is the worst age and the best age." A short sentence undermines the situation that modern musicians face in this social situation. Although consumers desire for the sale of physical music albums greatly reduced, on the contrary, consumers are more inclined to experience the feelings in the live performance, the spending power of its performance on the ground increased year by year. This study hopes to use Schmitt's experience marketing strategy module and consumer loyalty analysis. In the selection of research methods, this study adopts the qualitative research, adopts the group interview method and divides into consumers who experience offline and online . The study found that in the part of experiencing the marketing strategy module, consumers of offline experience have a deeper feeling and more intense feeling of sensory experience, emotional experience, thinking experience and associated experience than those of online experience consumers. However, consumers who enjoy online experience, though they like it, are still focused on the orchestra's interpretation of lyrics and songs. The difference among them may be the experience experienced by the consumers on the scene of the lack of offline experience by consumers of online experience, so there will be no richer connotations of the offline experience when presenting the experience.


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